The Skunk Ladder Day 3
Concept Talk How can we find adventure in ordinary events?
Unassuming- modest and not boastful She was a very unassuming student. Sinister-means to have dishonest or bad intentions His sinister plan caused the group to break up. embark-to set out on something new or important After school, he embarked on a career in business. Teach your partner these words
Prefix im-is from Latin, and it means “not”
Latin Roots Dent tooth Dict to say, to speak Scrib to write Sub under, below Tract to pull Vis to see
Greek Roots Auto self Bio life Micro very small Ology the study of Phon sound; voice Scope see Tele far
Abandoned-gave up on The house had been abandoned for years. Attempt- effort He made an attempt to build a shed Teach your partner these words.
Bellow- loud yell The man let out a bellow when he saw the dog in his yard. Cavern- cave The kids followed the dog into the cavern. Teach your partner these words.
Feat- act of skill or daring Gabbi was amazed at his daring feat of climbing a tree. Immensely- very greatly The water was immensely hot. Teach your partner these words.
Savage- wild The dog growled like a savage animal. Teach your partner this word
negative contractions
To make a negative statement, use only one negative word: No: don’t never can’t hardly Yes: don’t ever can hardly
Drawing Conclusions Drawing conclusions
Rhyming Poem Includes rhyming words May include figurative language (such as similes and metaphors) Sensory words Poetic techniques such as alliteration and onomatopoeia Graphic elements, such as capital letters
You will be writing your own rhyming poem You are going to write about a funny adventure one might have.