Ok astronauts, fasten your seatbelts because we are about to embark on an adventure into our solar system! Your mission is to discover fascinating facts about each of the eight planets, the stars in our sky, the radiant sun and moon, and the four seasons. Let’s get ready… 3…2…1… BLASTOFF! Click the space shuttle below to begin your journey! Task Process Conclusion
During your quest, you will discover many different activities to complete about the solar system. These activities will reinforce what you have been learning in science class. Enjoy! Get started now!
Astronauts - Below, you will find all of the different areas that you need to complete. Please visit each of the activities listed below. Be sure to try your very best! Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 The 8 Planets Stars Sun/Moon The 4 Seasons
Our solar system is made up of the sun and 8 planets. The 8 planets include: 1. Mercury5. Jupiter 2. Venus6. Saturn 3. Earth7. Uranus 4. Mars8. Neptune Pluto is no longer considered a planet because it is so small. It is now called a, “dwarf planet.” A planet is a large ball of rock or gas that moves around the sun. The planets orbit, or rotate, around the sun. It takes the Earth 1 year, or 365 days, to orbit the sun. The spinning of the Earth is called its rotation.
Click on the icon below that will take you to the BrainPOP website for kids. While you are there, explore the 8 planets, including the Earth! Then, record three facts about each planet that you learned from this website on a separate sheet of paper. QUIZ Don’t forget to take the quiz
A __________, like Earth, follows a path around the sun. The sun and planets make up the __________. StarCraterMoonPlanet Earth Solar System Solar System Orbit Seasons
A star is a big ball of hot gases in space. Our sun is the closest star to Earth. Some stars seem brighter than others and that is because they are bigger, hotter, or they are closer to the Earth. A group of stars that forms a star picture is known as a constellation. Take a look at some constellations on this page.
Next, visit the internet and explore our night sky! Click on the star below and that will take to you to the kids astronomy website. While you are there, discover what a star and a constellation is, and view the different pictures of some of the constellations! There is even a constellation game you can play! QUIZ Don’t forget to take the quiz
1. The closest star to Earth is the __________. 2. A __________ is a group of stars that create a picture in the night sky. Sun Moon Constellation Crater
The sun gives off two types of energy: 1. heat 2. light The sun is made up of hot gases and as you know, is the closest star to Earth. The object that appears the largest in the night sky is the moon. The moon has large holes in it called craters. The light from the moon, or moonlight, comes from the sun. Heat and light combined give us solar energy.
Did you know that the sun is the closest star to the Earth and that the moon seems to be glowing but its really the light from the sun? Find out more fascinating information about our sun and moon by watching the two videos. QUIZ Don’t forget to take the quiz
1. __________ is the light from the moon that comes from the sun. 2. What is the sun made of? Moonlight Brightness Dust Sunshine Rotations Constellations Hot Gases
A season is a time of the year that has a certain kind of weather. Earth is always tilted in the same direction. When Earth is on one side of the sun, the part that faces the sun directly is having summer. The part of the earth that is not facing the sun directly is having winter. As Earth orbits the sun, seasons change. What do you think happens in Spring and Fall?
Sing the song with a friend to find out what causes the changes of the seasons! The Tilt of the Earth (sung to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb) Earth's tilt makes the seasons change, Season's change, seasons change, Earth's tilt makes the seasons change, They change all through the year. Near the sun it's summertime, Summertime, summertime, Near the sun it's summertime, The days are hot and bright Far away it's wintertime, Wintertime, wintertime, Far away its wintertime, The days are cold and gray. Spring and fall are in=between, In-between, in-between, Spring and fall are in-between, The days are cool or warm. QUIZ Don’t forget to take the quiz
1. Seasons have different kinds of _________. 2. What season are we in when the sun hits our part of the Earth most directly? Orbits Weather Rotations Systems SpringSummerFallWinter
Wow! Congratulations on completing your journey through our solar system! You are such an amazing astronaut. Thank you for working hard; you should work for NASA!
Pennsylvania State Science and Technology Standards: D.- Describe the composition and structure of the universe and the earth’s place in it. Recognize earth’s place in the solar system. Explain and illustrate the causes of seasonal changes. Identify planets in our solar system and their general characteristics. Describe the solar system motions and use them to explain time (e.g. days, seasons), major lunar phases and eclipses. The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards: 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: a. understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively. c. troubleshoot systems and applications. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
Gibbons, G. (2008). The Planets. New York, NY: Holiday House. Lassieur, A. (2000). The Sun. New York, NY: Children’s Press. Nicolson, C. (2005) Discover the Planets. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press. O’Shaughnessy T., & Ride, S. (2003). Exploring Our Solar System. New York, NY: Crown Publishers. Ruiz, A. (1996). Sequences of Earth and Space: Seasons. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
Google Images. Retrieved on June 4, 2010 from Kadar,Avraham. (1999). BrainPOP. Retrieved June 2, 2010 from Kaku, Michio (2008). Time: Age of the Sun. Retrieved June 5, 2010 from Kids Know It Network (1998). Astronomy for Kids. Retrieved June 3, 2010 from Knox, Pattie. (2010) Just in Time: Activities for the Classroom. Retrieved June 2, 2010 from Science channel Videos (2009). Space School: Moon. Retrieved June 5, 2010 from
Back to the 8 Planets Quiz Back to the Stars QuizBack to the 4 Seasons Quiz Back to the Sun/Moon Quiz
Back to the 4 Seasons QuizBack to the Stars Quiz Back to the Sun/Moon QuizBack to the 8 Planets Quiz Remember to look up the correct answers in your textbook or on the internet!