Weikel Elementary – “Wolfpack”
MISSION: staff To provide not only the mechanics of learning, but the hearts that care for children as they embark on their personal journey through this educational system we call school. To reach out & teach students in a military community during the most difficult of times –
Mike Maiurro – teacher/coach My Mission: to try to share with each of you who Ian was and what he represented in each of the roles he has played in my life. 1. Student 2. Leader 3. Friend
Who was Ian Weikel? Who was Ian Weikel? Son Brother Husband Father Soldier Student Athlete Scholar Leader
Student: the only freshman with a 4.0 GPA
athlete Football Basketball Baseball ◦Role player
Leadership Ian was one of Four students selected by Superintendent Dr. Michael Martin to represent FFCHS at the CDE State Conference on education February 1990 (the end of his freshman year) The Theme of the conference was “ We Are The Key” encouraging students to step forward and initiate change… like he needed permission….
Vision:School Board Presentation 1989
Ian’s Vision: his ideas 1. Improvement of course offerings for college bound students 2. Alternative classrooms/ school opportunities 3. More diversity of student population on accountability committee’s 4. Teacher education regarding drug use and symptoms 5. Closed campus – except for seniors ( this was when he was freshman) 6. Increased Truancy expectations – Not being allowed to come to class late – to resolve tardiness disruption ( in school study hall) 7. increased attendance expectations - ◦6 absences max or loss of credit 8. Opportunities for students that were teen age parents ◦day care so they can continue their education ◦Of these 8 ideas 7 are in place in our district and have been since the mid 1990’s Ian’s probably watching and wondering why they are dragging their feet in the 8 th of his ideas
4 Major Themes Leading from the heart Service to others- Selflessness Vision-forward thinking and from the thought to the thank you “Demanding excellence of yourself and being willing to pay for it.”
Willingness to stand alone for what is right! Canned food drive – stood up to seniors ◦Result: 20,000 + in his 4 years including the record 6,653 in one year) ◦nearly 90,000 cans later Alive to strive - stood up to the whole school (even the administration was concerned about his plan) sign & honor the pledge or you cannot buy a prom ticket Ian walked the talk daily – “ stand up for what is right even when it is unpopular”
Pieces of the leadership puzzle Adopt a highway – involved special needs students Personal accountablity- “Demand Excellence and Be Willing To Pay For It! Schmidtke Incident – press conference ◦Letter to the family ◦Money for the education of the soldiers child ◦Reprimanded the media for their one sided coverage
Ian Weikel answered that call every day as a student, athlete, son, brother, soldier, husband, father and friend.
Service to others: The Thanksgiving Dinner and faculty/staff appreciation days!
Son: at one time Ian was just like any other student you might have in class
Athlete: Army Rugby Team
Vision: children in the back have a soccer ball – Ian’s soccer ball project while deployed to Iraq designed to give kids something to do…….
Ian Weikel – it is about how he lived…….son, brother, husband, soldier, selfless, hero…….
These are the Children we teach every day……
Reach out – embrace – nurture- and the teaching /learning will follow naturally - you will be teaching the children of soldiers that served with Ian – the 4 th ID many of whom deployed with Ian in December 2005 are stationed right here at Fort Carson. Your relationships with students and parents will bring Weikel Elementary to life…