Partnership for Research Rowena Smith Head of CPD (Awards, Partnership & Enterprise) MMU Faculty of Education
Building research evidence, the sector and the teaching profession DfE Research Priorities and Questions - Teachers and Teaching June 2013 Robust evidence needs to inform policy and practice in order to deliver effective education and children’s services…. many stakeholders can be part of the effort to raise both the quality and use of research In order for the evidence base to be of real practical use to teachers, they themselves must play an increasingly important part in building a common evidence base that can be tested and challenged. (MMU leading 2 year NCTL Project Evidence Based Teaching – Advancing capability and capacity for enquiry in schools EBT- ACCESs ) National support for the Education Endowment Fund Teachers Tool kit BERA / RSA Inquiry 2014 Research and the Teaching Profession - Building the capacity for a self-improving education system
“.. teachers and school and college leaders are familiar with a range of research methods, with the latest research findings and with the implications of this research for their day- to-day practice, and for education policy and practice more broadly” App 2 Research and the Teaching Profession Building the capacity for a self- improving education system BERA / RSA Inquiry 2014 “…to be research literate is to ‘get’ research – to understand why it is important and what might be learnt from it, and to maintain a sense of critical appreciation and healthy scepticism throughout” App 2
How we work together ? (all already in existence) Traditional model: Individual staff complete PG study related to their practice on campus Schools negotiate delivery of M level units taught in school / groups by MMU tutor based around school improvement. MMU act as research consultant to “Teacher Enquiry” in school and provides research guidance Schools staff embark on enquiry based study that is accredited. Work with LA & community groups to develop tailored programmes of study for improvement of opportunities for young people Schools participate in MMU or school led Projects eg related to ITE Developing an online supported platform to enable professionals to engage in enquiry and to share with others – in pilot stage due for launch in New Year A partner of the Expansive Education Network (EEN) and other organisations that provide guidance and support for investigating practice
A research-rich culture that is connected and collaborative P23
How research can make a contribution to teacher education 1.The content of teacher education programmes.. informed by research-based knowledge and scholarship, emanating from a range of academic disciplines It’s what we all do! 2.Research can be used to inform the design and structure of teacher education programmes. MMU Research Project on the impact of School Direct model 3.Teachers and teacher educators equipped to engage with and be discerning consumers of research. How can we do this together? 4.Teachers and teacher educators equipped to conduct their own research, individually and collectively, to investigate the impact of particular interventions or to explore the positive and negative effects of educational practice. How can we do this together? How can we recognise this? eg Research Network/ Research kite mark
A shared understanding….. “..research and enquiry should not become an additional burden …. rather, the need is to encourage a culture in which, over time, engagement in and with research becomes an everyday part of teachers’ professional identity and practice.” “A research literate, research engaged profession is likely to be one that is more self-confident, creative and adventurous – those qualities that it is often claimed have been stripped away from teachers’ identity and practice in recent decades. “ P21 BERA/RSA Enquiry