What College Bound Students Need to Know About Their Scholarship
CONGRATULATIONS Your college journey is about to begin. You worked hard in school, had fun with your friends, and acquired a lifetime of memories from your middle and high school years. Now, it’s time to look ahead to the next part of your life’s journey – attending college. Whether you go to a 2- or 4- year college or live at home or on campus, you are about to embark on a new adventure. One key component to your success will be understanding how your College Bound Scholarship works. So, let’s begin!
COLLEGE BOUND CHECKLIST To receive the scholarship, you must: Have a complete application on file at HECB. File the FAFSA on or about January 1. You must file by February1. Graduate high school with a 2.0 or higher. Be a good citizen with no felony convictions. Enroll within one year of high school graduation in one of the 67 eligible institutions in Washington. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. Good, now you are ready to move on down the road.
MILEPOST 1 FAFSA: What It Is and Why It’s Important 1
WHAT IS THE FAFSA? FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid It is the primary application for student aid and is used for federal and state grants, work study, and other assistance. You should file the FAFSA even if you are unsure about attending college, how much financial aid you might need, or what other scholarships you may receive. 1
FAFSA FOR THE COLLEGE BOUND You must file the FAFSA by February 1 st of your senior year in high school. File over the web – it is much faster than paper. You must check with your college – there may be additional financial aid forms and deadlines. And remember You may file the FAFSA before your parents do their taxes – you can update your FAFSA later. Don’t wait until you are admitted to college. 1
FAFSA TIPS FAFSA Completion Tips Read the directions. Make sure your SSN & date of birth are accurate. You and your parents must sign the form. Keep copies of your family’s prior year’s taxes. Remember to file the FAFSA every year. Never pay someone to fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA is always FREE. 1
MILEPOST 2 What Happens to Your FAFSA 2
YOUR FAFSA RECORD The Department of Education will send your FAFSA application data to the colleges you list on your FAFSA and to the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB). HECB will match your FAFSA application to your College Bound application and notify you via if we are successful. 2 If you don’t hear from the HECB within 2 weeks of submitting your FAFSA, call us at notification will be to the listed on your FAFSA
MILEPOST 3 How Your Award is Prepared 3
YOUR COLLEGE BOUND AWARD Your name will be sent to colleges confirming that you are a College Bound student. The college will determine if your income meets the guidelines, calculate your financial aid award and send you an Award Letter. The College Bound part of your award will consist of two components: State Need Grant (SNG) and College Bound funds. 3
The largest financial aid program in Washington. Provides the majority of funding for the College Bound Scholarship. Your combined SNG and College Bound award will be based on tuition (at public institution rates) and a book stipend. It is critical that you meet the February 1 st deadline. WHAT IS STATE NEED GRANT? 3
AWARD EXAMPLE 3 Tuition & fees
WHY YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE THE FULL AWARD College Bound may not be offered or may be reduced if: You filed for financial aid after the Feb. 1 deadline. Your family’s income does not meet the income standard for State Need Grant. Your financial aid award is greater than your financial “need.” For example, students with lower living expenses attending a lower cost college may have smaller awards. 3
MILEPOST 4 Final Tips for the Road 4
FAFSA REMINDERS File the FAFSA on or about January1; you must file by February 1. Check with your college’s financial aid office for additional forms and “priority deadlines.” Must file a new FAFSA every year. Never pay to fill out the FAFSA – it is FREE. 4
COLLEGE BOUND IMPORTANT POINTS The College Bound Scholarship is a four-year scholarship that must be used within five years – Equal to 12 quarters or eight semesters maximum. You must enroll in college within one year of high school graduation. Enrollment does not have to be continuous. You may enroll part-time but your scholarship will be reduced. You must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). 4
YOUR JOURNEY ONWARD Earning a college degree or certificate is one of the best steps you can take to ensure that your future will be rewarding, secure, and economically stable. You have demonstrated that you have what it takes to be successful – persistence, vision, and discipline. You are now ready to begin this part of your journey- YOU ARE COLLEGE BOUND! 4
WANT TO KNOW MORE? RESOURCES FAFSA and general financial aid information: Washington State financial aid programs: theWashBoard.org: for Washington scholarships Also, check your college’s financial aid website. 4