To minister to the community and empower the people through training of relevant skills for self sustenance and the imparting of Christian values that promote economic development Partnership: The centre has become a reality following the partnership that exists between UMC Mutare District and Compassionate Consultation Initiative Project.
To improve the household economy to meet children's, families and communities basic needs and rights.
Families (children, youth and young farmers), donors and our partners
Institutional: Administration block, lecture rooms, conference hall, chapel, workshop, shed, clinic, library and store room Hostels: Female and Male hostels Residential: staff houses Camping site: An area has been partitioned for this purpose. Demonstration fields: The area has been demarcated on southern part of the area.
Commercial: Two pieces of land have been reserved for commercial activities. Income generating activities: For training purposes the following will be started, Poultry, Piggery, Carpentry, Garment and Metal Fabrication initiatives. Vocational entry requirements: Target group: Youths who do not have the minimum qualifications to enter formal tertiary colleges will be considered.
Mode of training On the job training under supervision and training supported regular college lecturers, demonstrations, field visits and exchange programmes Basic entry qualifications: able to read and write Types of courses(short and long) Short courses(1week) Long courses(1 month and above) Projects
Promotion of value chains through marketing and agro processing.
This programme will target literate practising farmers within kilometre radius to begin with. The farmer should have at least one hectare of land.
Maintain close relationship that exists with current funders, Govt and local INGO’s Create documentaries as well as best practices for documentation. Proactive concept notes for resource mobilization. Collaboration with private sector and other NGOs like SNV an FINTRAC, Teachers Colleges, Universities and Agricultural Colleges.
Identify partners (like focused) to form consortia for resource mobilization
Provide detailed financial and narrative reports every quarter Subject our books of accounts to an annual audit to ensure accountability and transparency Produce annual reports that are shared to the print and electronic media. Share HES projects (current and past) during induction in a standard manner. Increase visibility in implemented project.
Embark on an aggressive resource mobilisation drive Conduct a structured monitoring and evaluation programme as a yardstick. Scaling up programs and learning.
Attaining this condition is necessary to enable children, youths their families and the community to realize their economic right to a decent standard of living and to contribute to breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty that blocks realization of all rights.