Creativity Creativity is the ability to find new solutions to a problem or new modes of expression; thus it brings into existence something new to the individual and to the culture.
5 steps of creative process: Preparation - becoming immersed in problematic issues that are interesting and arouses curiosity. Incubation - ideas churn around below the threshold of consciousness. Insight - the "Aha!" moment when the puzzle starts to fall together. Evaluation - deciding if the insight is valuable and worth pursuing. Elaboration - translating the insight into its final work.
Edward de Bono's Creativity Techniques (1) Random Input The input which come from outside the mind, since the mind will tend to choose something related to the ways one has already been viewing the problem. Quota The quota method is to say something like, "I'm going to think up at least 5 tolerably good solutions to this problem." You then of course choose the best one to actually implement.
Edward de Bono's Creativity Techniques (2) Attention to different parts of the problem Selecting an aspect of a problem and bringing that aspect into the foreground of one's thoughts for a while allows a perspective to develop which can lead to a solution. Cross-fertilization Two or more people working together can think up new ideas that no one of them would think up alone, because they have more than one way of looking at things, so each can continue the thought process when the other gets stuck.
Edward de Bono's Creativity Techniques (3) Reversal Thinking of the opposite of something in some way: opposite in size, time, direction, meaning, etc; switching the roles of two people or things
White Hat With this thinking hat, you focus on the data available. Look at the information you have, and see what you can learn from it. Look for gaps in your knowledge, and either try to fill them or take account of them.
Black Hat When using black hat trry to see why ideas and approaches might not work. This is important because it highlights the weak points in a plan or course of action. Black Hat thinking helps to make your plans tougher and more resilient. It can also help you to spot fatal flaws and risks before you embark on a course of action.
Blue Hat The Blue Hat stands for process control. This is the hat worn by people chairing meetings.
Yellow Hat The yellow hat helps you to think positively. It is the optimistic viewpoint that helps you to see all the benefits of the decision and the value in it, and spot the opportunities that arise from it.
Red Hat Wearing the red hat, you look at the decision using intuition, gut reaction, and emotion. Also try to think how other people will react emotionally, and try to understand the intuitive responses of people who do not fully know your reasoning.
Green Hat The Green Hat stands for creativity. This is where you can develop creative solutions to a problem. It is a freewheeling way of thinking, in which there is little criticism of ideas.