Challenges in the Implementation of Enterprise GIS – TNB’s Experiences Malaysia Geospatial Forum 2012
What is CGIS ? CGIS stands for Corporate Geospatial Information System. Project is to be implemented by ICT Division jointly with other Divisions: Distribution, Transmission, Generation, Planning and Corporate Services. CGIS Project Implementation is to be based on the JEK Approved 10 - Year CGIS Master Plan. Software chosen for implementation is GE Smallworld. This software has been implemented in several utility companies such as Singapore Power, China Light Power, Syarikat Air Johor, Gas Malaysia, PowerGen (UK), Duke Energy (USA), TransGrid (Australia) and Horizon Energy (NZ). Introduction to CGIS
Chronology 3 The CGIS Project concept was approved by ICT GC (ICT Governance Council) Formulation of TNB’s 10 years GIS Master Plan Approved master plan for implementation Board Tender Committee approved the selection of the System Implementer and Solutions CGIS foundation Project ( ) and CGIS Full Deployment
Better Customer Service Delivery Facilitate faster delivery of supply to new customers Facilitate faster recovery of power breakdowns Better Assets Management Provide overview of system network, useful in crisis management and disaster recovery Facilitate in planning, construction, O&M of TNB assets Use information on land/geographical conditions for construction of new assets Enhance Productivity Enhance engineering capability Data shareable among divisions thus, increase synergies Achieve world-class standard Lower Support Costs Standard GIS platform will save cost of support and maintenance Why Do We Need CGIS? (TNB Management’s Perspective)
Project Information & Statistics Project Duration Foundation Period : Full Deployment : Parties Involved : TNB Team, System Integrator, SOA Vendor, Business Process Consultant, Data Digitization Vendor, Map Vendor & Device Suppliers TNB Full-Time Project Team Members : 50 TNB Data Management Team Members : 80 System Integrator Team Members : 40 Digitizers : 40 Users Current Users : 500+ Total Expected Users (By 2013) : Processes Number of CGIS Related Processes : 96 Major Processes
- System and Implementer selection 2019 Define Roadmap GIS Foundation GIS Full Deployment - More functions - More users and locations CGIS Roadmap review - Required functions - System Stabilization Roadmap Strategy
Define Roadmap To ensure the implementation of GIS in TNB is looked at in a holistic manner. To ensure each Division will embark on a program that is in sync with each other and with the overall corporate strategy. To ensure expenditure and benefits can be managed efficiently. GIS Foundation – 4 Years All the prioritized functionalities will be implemented, focusing on the area of Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. For Transmission Division, Planning and Generation Division, the scope of assets will be nation-wide but the usage of the functions will be limited. This foundation project is critical to ensure that TNB is ready with a robust solution and support structure before being rolled out to other areas. GIS Full Deployment Once the foundation is complete, CGIS will embark to deploy the GIS functions to all other states. The functionalities and support structure would be fully tested and operational, therefore reducing the risk of deployment issues. Roadmap Strategy
Challenges Change Mgt Diversified requirements Data Integration Internal team preparation
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Challenges (3) Distribution ~7.3 million customer points/meter ~60,000 substations & associated equipment ~250,000 feeder pillars ~250,000 km of UG cables Transmission 380 Main Intake Substations (132kv and above) 14,000 km of OH lines 3,000 km of UG cables Generation 27 Power Stations (Thermal & Hydro) 38 Mini Hydros Corporate Service land parcels (Gen, PMU, PPU, Offices) ~60,000 PE land parcels ~7,600 buildings ICT ~10,000 km of fiber optics cables 480 comm rooms 1000 km of Last Mile Fiber
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Success Criteria Top Management Support Availability of the 10 – Year GIS Master-Plan Establishment of Proper Project Structure Formulation of A Comprehensive Change Management Program - Communication and Training Plan Appointment of CGIS Account Managers for each Districts in Distribution Division (being the largest division in TNB) Handholding session for users based on request Frequent issue resolution meeting with users Workshops Managing Customer’s Expectations
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