Work and Employment of Disabled Persons in Japan Naoko Saito Director of WI & WIJ
1 Community living of Disabled Persons
Difference of the annual income between persons with and without disability (%) Substantial median of disposable income: US$22,400 Poverty Line: US$11,200 Under US$20,000 Under US$30,000 Under US$10,000 Over US$30,100 Without disability With disability
Living condition of disabled persons by age group Total response: 10,012 Valid Response: 9, Living with family Living independently Group home/ Care home Institution
2 Work and Employment of Disabled Persons
Employment rate of disabled persons by age group ( Disability White Paper 2013 ) Blue: Without disability Purple: With physical disability Orange: With intellectual disability Green: With mental disability
A B C D Average monthly wage Unit: 1,000 yen Employment Program Type-A Program Type-B A: Total regular workers C: Persons with intellectual disabilities B: Persons with physical disabilities D: Persons with mental disability
3 Welfare Supported Employment
Welfare Supported Employment (WSE) business ServicesUsersProviders Labor Related Law Transition Support26,4262,594 × Support to maintain employment ( Type A ) 27,4041,527 ○ Support to maintain employment ( Type B ) 166,3617,740 × Total220,19111,861 ※ Source: National Health Insurance Organization, 2013 Community activity support center ― 3,224 × ※ Source: Kyosaren, 2012
Changes in the average annual wage ( Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ) Unit:yen
Transition to the open employment ( Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ) 4, % 5, % 3, % 3, % No. of people transferred Transition support Type A Type B
4 Open Employment
Changes in Statutory Employment Rate and Actual Employment Rate Blue: Statutory employment rate Orange: Actual employment rate
5 Issues on Work and Employment
Integration of the dual policy structure Open employmentWSE Under labor admin. Disabled People Employment Promotion Act Under welfare admin. Act on Comprehensive Support of PWD June 29, 2010 Cabinet Decision “Basic direction to promote the disability policy reform” Discussion to apply the labor law to WSE Verification and discussion on the statutory employment policy Measures to provide reasonable accommodation at work place
Remarks by International Organizations Response of ILO to the allegation made by Welfare Union, JD & WI regarding the non –observance by Japan of the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Convention, 1983(No.159) The Committee concludes that bringing work performed by such persons in sheltered workshops within the scope of labour legislation would appear to be crucial. The Committee reiterates the concerns expressed with regard to the introduction of a fee for participants in Type-B SPCW programmes for the services received under such programmes, including vocational rehabilitation. Concluding observations by the Committee on the third periodic report by Japan on ICESCR (Int. Conv. on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). ◆ The Committee notes with concern that the State party’s legislation on employment does not fully protect against discrimination on the basis of disability. ◆ The Committee also calls on the State party to apply labour standards to persons with disabilities working in sheltered facilities
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Ratified on 20 Jan Article 27 (a) Prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability with regard to all matters concerning all forms of employment conditions (b) Protect the rights of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others to just and favourable conditions of work (i) Ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities in the workplace Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific - Nov Goal 1 Reduce poverty and enhance work and employment prospects