A = Approved W= Workmen A = Are N = Not A = Ashamed Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2Tim2:15 你 當 竭 力 在 神 面 前 得 蒙 喜 悅 , 作 無 愧 的 工 人 , 按 著 正 意 分 解 真 理 的 道 。 提後二 : 15
總綱 Awana Summary Statement Awana helps churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ. 在世界各地幫助教會和家長培養青少 年認識,愛慕,和事奉主耶穌基督。
Key Features 主要特性 經文背誦 2 課本與手冊 3 獎勵計劃 4 指定制服 5 紀律訓練 6 分享完備福音信息 1 2006 Awana Clubs International. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited. Awana and the Awana logo are Registered Trademarks of Awana Clubs International.
Sparks – K to 2 nd Grade T&T – 3 rd to 6 th Grade
指揮官 林嘉輝傳道 領袖 朱潔儀老師 指揮官 李卓慧傳道 領袖 謝哲昊老師 總司令 : 李卓慧傳道 遊戲活動統籌 : 蕭王潔嫦執事 / 蕭芷英姊妹
Theme Song
Firmly AWANA stands, led by the Lord’s command “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” Boys and girls for His service claimed! Hail! AWANA! On the march for youth Hail! AWANA! Holding forth the truth Building lives on the word of God AWANA stands! Our Savior following with steps unfaltering And love unaltering, His praise we sing His banner over us, in service glorious We’ll fight victorious for Christ our King! YOUTH ON THE MARCH!
A = Approved W= Workmen A = Are N = Not A = Ashamed Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2Tim2:15 你 當 竭 力 在 神 面 前 得 蒙 喜 悅 , 作 無 愧 的 工 人 , 按 著 正 意 分 解 真 理 的 道 。 提後二 : 15
總綱 Awana Summary Statement Awana helps churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ. 在世界各地幫助教會和家長培養青少 年認識,愛慕,和事奉主耶穌基督。
Key Features Scripture memorization 2 Handbooks 3 Awards 4 Uniforms 5 Discipline 6 Sharing the gospel 1 2006 Awana Clubs International. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited. Awana and the Awana logo are Registered Trademarks of Awana Clubs International.
Sparks – K to 2 nd Grade T&T – 3 rd to 6 th Grade
Director Pastor Elsa Leader Cynthia Li Director Pastor Carolyn Leader Ambrose Tse Commander: Pastor Carolyn Game Directors: Deacon Bella Siu/Christina Siu
Theme Song
Firmly AWANA stands, led by the Lord’s command “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” Boys and girls for His service claimed! Hail! AWANA! On the march for youth Hail! AWANA! Holding forth the truth Building lives on the word of God AWANA stands! Our Savior following with steps unfaltering And love unaltering, His praise we sing His banner over us, in service glorious We’ll fight victorious for Christ our King! YOUTH ON THE MARCH!
Theme Song
We are “SPARKS” for Jesus “SPARKS” to light the world We will shine for Jesus As we tell each boy and girl We will hide God’s Word in our hearts We will serve Him right from the start From His love we never can part For we are SPARKS SPARKS to light the world!
Theme Song
I am off on the Ultimate Adventure! Trusting Jesus all along the way To the truth of God’s Word I will surrender No matter where I am from day to day In the sky, under sea, in the wild Christ with me Here at home, around the world His love is clear to see. Won’t you come along with me On the Ultimate Adventure!
I will train for the mission He has for me I will trust in Him to give the victory As I read His Word and pray He gives direction As I follow Him each and everyday. In the sky, under sea, in the wild Christ with me. Here at home, around the world His love is clear to see Won’t you come along with me On the Ultimate Adventure!
Pledge to the AWANA Flag
I pledge allegiance to the AWANA Flag Which stands for the AWANA clubs, Whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve HIM