By: Sean Godfrey
At the time Somalia was crumbling due to civil war, mainly between the drug lords, and widespread famine Operation Restore Hope was put into place by George H.W. Bush to help reestablish order in Somali (Dec May 1993) Operation Continue Hope was put into place May 4 th 1993 by Bill Clinton Somali people were already angry at U.S. forces for a failed attempt at killing Mohamed Farrah Aidid which resulted in 60 dead Somalis
Part of Operation Gothic Serpent Mission changed aster 2 Black Hawk helicopters got shot down October 3 rd & 4 th, 1993 Mogadishu, Somalia
Somali civilians and militia Pakistan forces Malaysia forces United States: Delta Force Army Rangers Navy Seals 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment
Plan to capture the Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid and other high profile targets Plan was to assault a building by planting Delta force operators on the roof to secure the building while four platoons of Army Rangers surrounded the building Commanded by Gen. William F. Garrison
A/MH-6 Little Bird helicopters MH-60L Black Hawk helicopters Condor armored personnel carriers Humvees M48 Tanks
The mission was beginning to become delayed when humvees to extract captives from the building arrived late The mission ultimately changed to a rescue mission once two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down (Super 61 and Super 64) Michael Durant, pilot of Super 6-4 was taken captive and released after 11 days
Super 64 was over run by Somali forces Trapped pilots in Super 61 were saved after an rescue teams arrived late that night and into the early morning hours Constant raids by Little Bird helicopters protected them through the night
American 18 killed 73 wounded Somali Estimates range from killed Estimates range from 1,000-3,000 wounded
United Stated would completely withdraw from Somalia by March 31 st, 1994 Many citizens were frightened and scared by the images they had seen of soldiers bodies being dragged through the streets
This mission failed because of the two helicopters being shot down by RPG’s Another possible reason was that during the time of the mission, Somali men would chew Khat, which was believed to make them more willing to fight
Hostage Crisis in Iran ( )
November 4 th, 1979 – January 20 th, 1981 Mob of students (called Imam’s disciples) took over U.S. embassy in Iran Held 66 original hostages for then released 14 Held the remaining 52 hostage for 444 days Operation Eagle Claw (Jimmy Carter) was a failed attempt at rescuing the hostages
Yes an No It did capture the people in the original building It took longer than expected and turned into a dangerous rescue mission that cause several casualties and deaths Overall successful but with exceptions
Yes and No Somali resistance was expected but not in such large number Could have always planned ahead for possible blockades
Todd Blackburn falling 70 feet from a helicopter an being severely injured The delay of the humvees due to Somali blockades The helicopters being shot down (this is the most probable cause but the others could have also led to this)
No it wasn’t, U.S. forces were severely outnumbered and were basically fighting an entire city to saved a couple pilots It was necessary to attempt because you never leave a fellow soldier behind
My primary source was an article covering the U.S. involvement in Somalia and Operation Restore Hope I believe that this gives insight to my topic because it includes quotes from that period of time about my topic
Information 92nAJ: hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShNSxwhEMOYT-hqvhDJqBSlwBNjsHuwD2wtlsaoI- SrkSYB1L94njYRlJ0I6v2VS0-Yo39CCegA32e4sRxvbqh83S9_L48V8R- NK3gwiB7iBn07iK3PRjSkl4tCRKwllPwHlSpe&sig=AHIEtbSouv0YbB3tx_haeSYRo1mfjunUow 92nAJ: hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShNSxwhEMOYT-hqvhDJqBSlwBNjsHuwD2wtlsaoI- SrkSYB1L94njYRlJ0I6v2VS0-Yo39CCegA32e4sRxvbqh83S9_L48V8R- NK3gwiB7iBn07iK3PRjSkl4tCRKwllPwHlSpe&sig=AHIEtbSouv0YbB3tx_haeSYRo1mfjunUow hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgdyb63c7Ba9GwzD8EiE5jYJqTQKfaQ1UEIYcJkIzbFDc7OqTR4q- bIrhiBwggTPu8XIYH_QlNmADrWcX5rE3uG9lzTrF- KNMZhqBtDPKXXksBFSIO75q0oSVAe1a56mmlBitWP&sig=AHIEtbTjGcXiYM897QM1_HQYGc71ISTVKA hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgdyb63c7Ba9GwzD8EiE5jYJqTQKfaQ1UEIYcJkIzbFDc7OqTR4q- bIrhiBwggTPu8XIYH_QlNmADrWcX5rE3uG9lzTrF- KNMZhqBtDPKXXksBFSIO75q0oSVAe1a56mmlBitWP&sig=AHIEtbTjGcXiYM897QM1_HQYGc71ISTVKA Pictures