Article IV: The States and the Federal Government Found in the Constitution
Article IV, Section 1 All states must respect the laws and court rulings of all other states Congress shall make rules that will ensure that this happens
Article IV, Section 2, clause 1 The citizens in each state have the same rights as citizens of other states.
Article IV, Section 2, clause 2 A person charged of committing a crime in one state cannot flee from justice by going to another state. Return of a prisoner to another state where a crime was committed is called extradition.
Article IV, Section 2, clause 3 Slaves and indentured servants could not become free by escaping to a free state. When caught must be returned to their owners (13th Amendment outlawed slavery)
Article IV, Section 3, clause 1 New states are admitted to the Union by congress, but no state may be divided into other states without the approval of the states involved and Congress.
Article IV, Section 3, clause 2 Congress shall have the power to sell or to give away land belonging to the United States. (Gives congress power over U.S. territories)
Article IV, Section 4 The United States guarantees a republican form of government to every state in the Union It shall protect each state from invasion. Will also help stop riots within the state.