The Message in the Music SAMPLE PROJECT - Ms. Danner Modern Humanities
ARTIST: NEIL YOUNG 0 SONG TITLE – “OHIO” 0 Tells story of National Guard attack on college students at Kent State during protests over U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war
“…Tin soldiers and Nixon coming…” 0 Tin soldiers refers to popular view at the time of National Guard soldiers as not being ‘real’ military 0 President Richard Nixon had already taken a hard line on campus protests – personal belief that they were all ‘bums’ who were ‘burning campuses’ and they should be prevented from protesting
“…we’re finally on our own…” 0 Refers to feelings of freedom that many college students look forward to – opportunity to act as they wish, try new things, make their own decisions 0 Refers to idea of relative safety that many felt existed on college campuses prior to this event
“…Soldiers are gunning us down…” 0 Refers to the fact that in other places in the United States at the time, National Guard and military were being called in to put down student protests on college campuses 0 Reveals that the singer/writer of the song views themselves as part of the protest movement
Sound byte 0 %3b+Ohio&FORM=VIRE3&adlt=strict#view=detail& mid=EDB C8229EDFBEDB C8229 EDFB %3b+Ohio&FORM=VIRE3&adlt=strict#view=detail& mid=EDB C8229EDFBEDB C8229 EDFB