II Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty think raised up against the knowledge of God and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ”
A Spiritual Goal Be ever focused on the spiritual goal We are being molded and refined by the Holy Spirit Want to be in the likeness of Christ When we lose sight of the goal, we become an easy target to Satan Do not mistakenly believe we are mature enough and loose sight of the goal
Spiritual Warfare Not a battle for your heart, but battle for your mind Satan does not have the authority to take your heart from God As a Christian, you have a promise of eternal life Satan can suggest thoughts that can interfere with your life
We Are: Subject to human limitations Possess no supernatural power within ourselves Subject to death Do not wage war using underhanded resources that the world does for our gain
We Can Use: God’s power God’s might God is without limitation, assaulting the power of darkness with divine weapons
Life Style of Holiness Live lives filled with prayer Divine wisdom Holy conduct Living lives with obedience, service, worship, and perseverance No fortress, no enemy, can withstand God’s power
How Do We Allow Satan to Attack Our Minds: Pride Unbelief in God Assumed lack of need for God Worldly desires Lust Self-righteous thoughts Rebellion
How Does Satan Build Fortresses Through our thought life as we entertain speculations Assumptions of our own human understanding & knowledge Through our imagination & reasoning Our own required expectation & anticipation
Re-play or Pre-Play
Re-Play or Pre-Play Re-Play is when we use our memory and we build cases against people, judge people, and put pieces of information together in order to gain a greater understanding of someone or something using our own memory coupled with our expectations and requirements.
Re-Play or Pre-Play Pre-Play is when we uses our imagination to allow us to think about what we might say or do if given the chance in any given situation.
How Do We Take Every Thought Captive Understand we are in a battle Persistent spiritual warfare for the mind, thought life, battle for truth Put “you” to death; individual desires, expectations, and requirements Have purity of ourselves; physically, mentally, and spiritually
How Do We Take Every Thought Captive Starve our minds of thoughts that find fault in the Gospel, the church, men and women of the Church God has placed in authority over us Thoughts that we have it all together Judge others by their actions and praise ourselves by our intensions
Feed Our Minds Bible verses Worship songs Prayer
It is time to tear down, destroy, dethrone everything that stands contrary to the knowledge of God. Give ourselves wholly to God as holy people set apart for God.