The Greek word used for goodness is a word that combines the two thoughts of being good and doing good into one word.
Before we were Christians our sinful nature had control over us, but now that we are “in Christ” the Holy Spirit helps us control our sinful nature.
But the Spirit also helps us do what pleases God.
The true fruit of goodness starts on the inside.
This goodness is not a forced goodness that comes from human determination.
It is an inner goodness that comes from a person’s transformed spirit.
Barrett said, “Only the grace of God is kind enough and the power of God strong enough to achieve this transformation in our broken and darkened lives.”
Ephesians 5:8-9 “For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of light consists in
all goodness, righteousness and truth)”.
Have you had this inner transformation?
The true fruit of goodness always moves to the OUTSIDE!
This fruit has to do with desire. When the Spirit is allowed to be in charge of followers of Christ He brings within their heart a desire to do good things.
When we partner with Him, He provides us everything we need- purpose, passion, courage, physical strength, spiritual strength, and financial resources!
This aligns with several passages that tell us we are to be like Jesus. And the Bible says that Jesus went around DOING good!
Our world is tired of hearing Christians talk about the good they want to do and are ready to see us DO it!
This goodness fruit will not always bring praise to you.
HOW Can I grow goodness?
2 Cor. 3:18 tells us we are what we BEHOLD: “But we all, with unveiled faces beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” (NASB)
Jesus does not intend for us to wait until the end of our days, or the end of time, to do good things.
He intends for us to be fully engaged in the transformation process now!
Where can we behold the glory of God? EVERYWHERE