Lord, Rend the Heavens, and Come Down... Isaiah 64 Prayer’ Role in Revival and Spiritual Awakening J. Chris Schofield, PhD
Defining the terms Revival—Believers experiencing a restoration of fellowship with God (Psalm 85:6) Spiritual Awakening—Large numbers of lost people becoming aware of God, His presence, their spiritual condition and need for Christ.
A Spiritual Check-up—How Are We Doing? Decline of our Churches Losing our Culture Church is Blending with the Culture What can we DO?
The Contemporary American Church and its Evangelistic Effectiveness Clegg and Bird, Lost in America Percentage of adults attending church is decreasing Half of churches in America did not add one new person through conversion growth (1999)(8000 SBC churches) Conversion rates—Lost people lose-85:1 ratio More churches closing than being planted each year
Conversions to other religions and dropouts increase Christianity in the west has been declining for fifty years Church people believe and behave like unchurched counterparts What can we do?
PRAY! It’s time to Pray—Jeremiah 33:3 Why does Revival Tarry?—James 4:1- 10
Biblical Solutions/Principles 2 Chronicles 7:1-18 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Nehemiah 8-9 Acts 2; 4:23-33
Historical Examples Florence, Italy ( ) Layman’s Prayer Revival ( ) Moravian Revival (1727) Lewis Islands (1949)
Praying For Revival and Awakening Psalm 85 R-eturn E-yes and Ears V-ision I-nvolvement V-ictory A-cknowledge L-ost