From the Greek word “histos”, meaning tissue By, Allen R. Best Histosols From the Greek word “histos”, meaning tissue By, Allen R. Best
Spread Over the World
Spread Over the U.S.
Suborder Spread Over U.S.
Spread Over MN
Histosol (Organic Soils) Soil order of peats and mucks that are thicker than 18 inches. Very minute mineral component. Forms from the accumulation of organic matter in wet/cool environments (examples: Wetland or peat bog). Found in boreal, arctic, and sub-arctic regions. Important ecologically because of the amount of carbon contained in them. Agriculturally valuable. Can be used as a fuel source. Lots of anaerobic decomposition! GENERAL
5 Suborders Folists Wassists Fibrists Saprist Hemists! General
Volume Change! General
Diagnostic Horizons Horizons are O (organic matter). O horizon is broken up according to degree of O.M. decomposition. a – highly e – intermediate i – slightly
FIN Q: why was the soil so good in school? A: it knows its ABCs. Q: why did the gardener plant his money? A: he wanted the soil to be rich. So a fungi walks into a bar and the bartenders says “We don’t serve your kind here!”. The fungi replies “But, I’m a FUN-GUY!” … get it?