Verbs: “It’s what you DO!”
Action Verbs An action verb tells what the subject does or did. The action could be something you cannot see. Action verbs are also called main verbs. Ex: Our class hopes for the best this year. Ex: The children play outside after school.
What is the difference between a noun and verb? Nouns Verbs
Action Verbs Identify the action verb in each sentence. The crowd cheered at the football game. I thanked Mom for taking me to the mall. Amanda studied for her Math test. We gave Mike a surprise birthday party. My cousin received an award for his Science project.
What is a verb? Give examples. Write five verbs.
Action Verbs Write each sentence. Circle the action verb. The students wrote letters to their friends. Naomi gives the class red pencils. Carmen sewed a quilt for her niece. Peter played the piano at the recital. The baby crawled across the floor.
Part Two: Verb Tenses
Verb Tense, not tents! The tense of a verb tells when an action occurs- *present *past *future
Present: The action is happening now. Ex: Meiko is practicing the piano. Ex: He works at a bookstore. Ex: The students walk home from school.
Present tense verbs s esies Many present tense verbs end with s, but some end with es, or ies. s sleeps es splashes ies cries
Write a sentence using a verb in the present tense.
Past Verbs Verbs which tell about actions which happened some time ago are past tense verbs. wanted The dog wanted a bone. Wanted is a past tense verb because the action has already happened.
Past: The action already happened. Ex: My brother and I played chess. Ex: I gave my dad a watch for his birthday. Ex: The garden was planted last spring.
Past: The action already happened. Write a sentence using a verb in the past tense.
Future: The action is going to happen. Ex: Dana will organize a talent show at her school. Ex: Dr. Jones shall turn in the book fair money.
Future Verbs Verbs which tell about actions which are going to happen are future tense verbs. We will awaken at six a.m. Will awaken is a future tense verb because the action has not yet happened.
Future tense verbs Future tense verbs use special words to talk about things that will happen: will, going to, shall, aim to, etc. going to start shall will enjoy
Future tense verbs Write an sentence a verb in the future tense.
The Subject The subject in a sentence is WHO we are talking about in a sentence. --Ex: Dogs are popular pets. --Mrs. Baker is funny.
Helping Verbs Helping verbs help or work with the main verb to create a verb phrase. Ex: had, has, been, will, may, can, be, is, could, have, am, was, might, must, are, do Ex: She will be leaving for New York soon.
Helping Verbs Identify the helping and main verbs. The band director is planning the fall musical. They have lived next door for ten years. I might go to Six Flags tomorrow. Their coach is teaching them a new play.
Linking Verbs A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective. Ex: is, are, were, was, become, appear, am, look, seem, feel, grow, taste --Ex: Dogs are popular pets (noun). --Mrs. Baker is funny (adjective)!
Linking Verbs Identify each linking verb. Identify each PA or PN. An avocado is a fruit. The flowers in the garden are beautiful. The dance performance was amazing. Eric DeLong is very handsome.
What is the difference between a helping and linking verb? Helping Linking A word that is between the subject and a noun (or adjective) Ex. Penny grew tall. A word that is between the subject and the main verb. Ex. Carol has been studying.
Review Action Verbs: (or main verbs) tells what the subject does or did. Ex. The children play outside after school. Helping Verbs: A word that is between the subject and the main verb. Ex. Carol has been studying. Linking Verbs: A word that is between the subject and a noun (or adjective). Ex. Penny grew tall. Ex. The girl saw her shadow.
Helping, Action, or Linking The ball bounced off the backboard. __________ Many gases are colorless and odorless._______ On Thanksgiving, we all enjoy a huge feast.____ Kate is employed at a school library.__________ The apple pie smells good. __________________ Arnold will paint the door tomorrow. __________ Everyone laughed at the funny movie. _________ The king and queen were very nice. ___________