Scalable Synchronous Queues By William N. Scherer III, Doug Lea, and Michael L. Scott Presented by Ran Isenberg
Introduction Queues are a way for different threads to communicate and exchange information between them. In a thread-safe, concurrent and asynchronous queue, consumers typically wait for producers to make data available. In a synchronous queue, producers similarly wait for consumers to take the data – “a pair up”.
Hanson’s Synchronous Queue
Hanson’s Pros & Cons Pros High design-level tractability. Using semaphores to target wakeups to only the single producer or consumer thread that an operation has unblocked. Cons: May fall victim to priority inversion. Poor performance - employs three separate blocking semaphores (locks). Possible Solution? Use non blocking synchronization!
Java 5.0 synchronous queue The Java SE 5.0 synchronous queue (below) uses a pair of queues (in fair mode; stacks for unfair mode) to separately hold waiting producers and consumers.
Java 5.0 synchronous queue (Cont.)
Java 5 Version – Pros & Cons Pros Uses a pair of queues to separately hold waiting producers and consumers. Allows producers to publish data items as they arrive instead of having to first awaken after blocking on a semaphore; consumers need not wait. One transfer (put & take), requires only three synchronization operations, compared to the six incurred by Hanson’s. Cons: Relies on one lock to protect access to both queues – creates a narrow bottleneck during runtime.
Non-Blocking Synchronization Non blocking concurrent objects avoid mutual exclusion and locks. Instead, they use atomic CAS operations (compare & swap) to make sure object’s invariants still hold afterwards. Totalized operations: Operations that don't block and return a failure code in case the preconditions aren't met. Example: dequeing from an empty queue will not cause the thread to block, but to return a failure code instead.
Non-Blocking Synchronization (Cont.) What isn't promised to any thread in the following scenario when using totalized operations? So, how can we fix this?
Dual Data Structures We could register a request (reservation) for a hand-off partner. Reservation is made in non blocking manner. Reservation is fulfilled by checking whether a pointer has changed in the reservation. The structure may contain both data and reservations.
Dual Data Structures (Cont.) Totalized methods are now split into 2 partial methods: reserve and follow-up. Main advantage over totalized partial methods: Order of reservations is saved.
Main Properties The algorithms I will present will be: Contention free. Lock free. Scalable. Fair & unfair implementations. Have solid linearization points. Waiting is done by spinning, busy waiting.
Synchronous Dual Queue Fair implementation. A linked list with a head & tail. Waiting is accomplished by spinning until a pointer changes from null to non-null. If not empty, has always a dummy node at the beginning while other nodes are always of the same type: reservation or data. Dequeue & enqueue are symmetrical except for the direction of the data flow. Let’s take a look at the enqueue operation.
Synchronous Dual Queue (Cont.) First case: Queue is empty or contains only data. Add a new data node at the end of the queue and spin. Second case (interesting): Q ueue contains only reservation.
First case code:
Synchronous Dual Queue (Cont.) Second case code:
Synchronous Dual Stack A singly linked list with only a head node. Not fair. Doesn’t have a dummy node at the beginning. May contain either data or reservation nods but also temporarily a single node of the opposite type at the head. Push& pop are symmetrical except for the direction of the data flow. Let’s take a look at the push operation.
Synchronous Dual Stack (Cont.) First case: Stack is empty or contains only data. Add a new data node at the head of the stack and spin. Second case (interesting): Stack contains reservation at the head. Add a new data (“fulfilling”) node at the head, find a reservation to fulfill and remove both nodes. Third case: A fulfilling node at the head. Help the fulfillment process.
First case code:
Second case code:
Third case code:
Results (Cont.)
Conclusion I presented 2 non blocking synchronous queues that use dual data structures: a fair and unfair version (stack & queue). The algorithms are all lock-free. There is little performance cost for fairness. High scalability can be achieved by using synchronization methods that don’t use locks. The Algorithms are part of the Java 6 packages.