PROPAGANDA BY MEANS OF ART The Nazis also employed art to re-awaken paganism. Ancient Greek forms, statues and symbols suddenly also became a part of German culture. Portrayals of powerful men and women, intended to represent the Aryan race, were made to resemble ancient Greek statues.
Key Facts of Fascist Rule WHO CONTROLS GOVERNMENT? –Dictator HOW IS GOVERNMENT PUT INTO POWER? –Overthrow or revolution WHAT ROLES DO THE PEOPLE HAVE? –Not interfere with the state WHO CONTROLS PRODUCTION OF GOODS? –The state WHO CONTROLS DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS? –The state MAJOR FIGURES –Benito Mussolini & Adolf Hitler HISTORICAL EXAMPLE –Italy, 1922–1943
Paramilitary Organizations Nazism made use of paramilitary organizations to maintain control within the party, and to squelch opposition to the party. Violence and terror fostered compliance. Among these organizations were the: S.A. (Sturmabteilung): Stormtroopers (also known as "brown-shirts") were the Nazi paramilitary arm under Ernst Rohm. It was active in the battle for the streets against other German political parties. Rohm was implicated and then killed as a part of the “Night of the Long Knives - Nacht der langen Messer ”Nacht der langen Messer S.D. (Sicherheitsdiest): the Security Service under Reinhard Heydrich. S.S. (Schutzstaffel): Defense Corps, was an elite guard unit formed out of the S.A. It was under the command of Heinrich Himmler. ” Gestapo (Geheime Staatpolizeil): the Secret State Police, which was formed in Nazism also placed an emphasis on sports and paramilitary activities for youth, the massive use of propaganda (controlled by Joseph Goebbels) to glorify the state, and the submission of all decisions to the supreme leader (FÅhrer) Adolf Hitler.
The victory of an idea will be possible the sooner, the more comprehensively propaganda has prepared people as a whole and the more exclusive, rigid, and firm the organization which carries out the fight in practice…It is a mistake to make propaganda many-sided, like scientific instruction…all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. Hitler on the Nature of Propaganda – Mein Kampf
Terror at the place of employment, in the factory, in the meeting hall, and on the occasion of mass demonstrations will always be successful unless opposed by equal terror Hitler on Terror in Politics Mein Kampf
The SA (Sturm Abteilung ) will appear in public only in closed formation. This is at the same time one of the most powerful forms of propaganda. The sight of a large number of men inwardly and outwardly uniform and disciplined, whose total commitment to fighting is clearly visible or can be sensed, makes the deepest impression on every German and speaks a more convincing and inspiring language to his heart than speech, logic, or the written word is ever capable of doing. S.A. Order 111 of Adolf Hitler, 1926
Themes of Success for German Fascism – Which is NOT Italian Anticonservatism Myth of National or Ethnic Renewal Idea of a Nation in Crisis Views on Race Attitudes Toward Religion Emphasis on Militarism Use of Political Rituals
Fascism vs. Communism