All the Lovely Bad Ones AuthorAuthor * BookBook Poor farmsPoor farms * Illinois poor house history Ilinois Poor Farm B&BIlinois Poor Farm B&B * Wisconsin Poorfarm Cemetary While spending the summer at their grandmother's Vermont inn, two prankster siblings awaken young ghosts from the inn's distant past who refuse to "rest in peace."
A Crooked Kind of Perfect Author Ten-year-old Zoe Elias, who longs to play the piano but must resign herself to learning the organ instead, finds that her musicianship has a positive impact on her workaholic mother, her jittery father, and her school social life.
Crossing the Wire AuthorAuthor * Book1 * Book 2Book1Book 2 Illegal Immigration: 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * Baboquivari Peak, Arizona 1 * 2 * 3 Guanajuato, Mexico 1 * 2Amigos de las Americas Amigos de las Americas Fifteen-year-old Victor Flores journeys north in a desperate attempt to cross the Arizona border and find work in the United States to support his family in central Mexico.
Dragon Slippers AuthorAuthor * BookBook Orphaned after a fever epidemic, Creel befriends a dragon and unknowingly inherits an object that can either save or destroy her kingdom.
Elephant Run AuthorAuthor * Book video * CurriculumBook videoCurriculum Burma – WW II: 1 * 2 12 Burma: 1 * 2 12 Burmese Elephants Nick endures servitude, beatings, and more after his British father's plantation in Burma is invaded by the Japanese in 1941, and when his father and others are taken prisoner and Nick is stranded with his friend Mya, they plan a daring escape on elephants, risking their lives to save Nick's father and Mya's brother from a Japanese prisoner of war camp.
Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of a Tree Author (includes anti-bullying curriculum) A quirky and utterly logical seventh- grade girl named Emma-Jean Lazarus discovers some interesting results when she gets involved in the messy everyday problems of her peers.
First Light Greenland and Climate change: 1 * 2 12 When twelve-year-old Peter and his family arrive in Greenland for his father's research, he stumbles upon a secret his mother has been hiding from him all his life, and begins an adventure he never imagines possible.
Freedom Walkers Author1Author1 * Author2 *Author2 Author PDF Educator’s guideAuthor PDF Educator’s guide * Timeline Montgomery Bus BoycottMontgomery Bus Boycott * MBB2MBB2 * Montgomery Bus Boycott Timeline Dramatic overview of how the 381-day resistance to segregated buses spurred the civil rights movement.
Home of the Brave Author1Author1 * Author2 *Author2 BookBook * Book Video Sudan Conflict, history *Book Video Sudan Conflict, history Sudan Conflict, Darfur Darfur Refugee CampsDarfur Refugee Camps * Sudan Conflict, pictures Kek, an African refugee, is confronted by many strange things while staying withhis aunt in Minneapolis, but finds comfort in the company of a cow and her owner.
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life AuthorAuthor * Book * Book videoBookBook video Just before his thirteenth birthday, Jeremy Fink receives a keyless locked box--set aside by his father before his death five years earlier--that supposedly contains the meaning of life.
Kimchi & Calamari AuthorAuthor * Kimchi Calamari 1 * 2 * Adoption: 1 * 2 12 Adopted from Korea by Italian parents, fourteen-year-old Joseph Calderaro begins to make important self-discoveries about race and family after his social studies teacher assigns an essay on cultural heritage and tracing the past.
The Naked Mole-Rat Letters AuthorAuthor * Book Quiz Naked Mole RatsNaked Mole Rats * RatCam When her father begins a long-distance romance with a Washington, D.C. zookeeper, twelve-year-old Frankie sends fabricated s to the zookeeper in an attempt to end the relationship.
Shark Girl AuthorAuthor * Book1Book1 * Book2 IchthyologyBook2 Ichthyology After a shark attack causes the amputation of her right arm, fifteen-year-old Jane, an aspiring artist, struggles to come to terms with her loss.
Shooting the Moon AuthorAuthor * BookBook Images of Vietnam War: 1 * 2 * Vietnam War history: 1 * 2 12 Vietnam Memorial Vietnam Memorial * Photography When her brother is sent to fight in Vietnam, twelve-year-old Jamie begins to reconsider the army world that she has grown up in.
A Small White Scar AuthorAuthor * Book * Book2BookBook2 QuizQuiz * Colorado Rodeo AssociationColorado Rodeo Association Down syndrome: 1 * 2 12 Fifteen-year-old Will Bennon leaves his family and begins life as a cowboy, but his mentally retarded twin brother follows him and joins the journey.
Someone Named Eva Author1Author1 * Author2 Author2 Lidice (contains disturbing images): 1 * 2 * 3 Lidice Memorial * 123 Lidice Memorial Stolen children Lebensborn children 1 * 2 * 3 * HeuaktionHeuaktion * Ravensbrück Concentration Camp *Ravensbrück Concentration Camp Crest Hill Illinois – Lidice memorial Creating the “Master Race” From her home in Lidice, Czechoslovakia, in 1942, eleven-year-old Milada is taken with other blond, blue-eyed children to a school in Poland to be trained as "proper Germans" for adoption by German families, but all the while she remembers her true name and history.
The Mozart Effect AuthorAuthor * BookBook Concentration camp orchestrasConcentration camp orchestras * Auschwitz Concentration Camp – basic facts Holocaust, Music: 1 * 2 * A young journalist goes to Venice, Italy, to interview a famous violinist, who tells the story of his parents' incarceration by the Nazis, and explains why they can no longer listen to the music of Mozart.
The Thing About Georgie AuthorAuthor * Author note *Author note Author interview BookBook * Reading guide Dwarfism: 1 * 2 * 3 * Georgie's dwarfism causes problems, but he could always rely on his parents, his best friend, and classmate Jeanie the Meanie's teasing, until a surprising announcement, a new boy in school, and a class project shake things up.
11 * 2 * 3 * s: 1 * 2 * 3 60’s Quiz * 12360’s Quiz NY Yankees History Shakespeare 1 * 2 * 3 * The Wednesday Wars During the 1967 school year, on Wednesday afternoons when all his classmates go to either Catechism or Hebrew school, seventh-grader Holling Hoodhood stays in Mrs. Baker's classroom where they read the plays of William Shakespeare and Holling learns much of value about the world he lives in.
The White Giraffe Author1Author1 * Author2Author2 Educator’s guideEducator’s guide * Literature circle guideLiterature circle guide * White Giraffes After a fire kills her parents, eleven-year-old Martine must leave England to live with her grandmother on a wildlife game reserve in South Africa, where she befriends a mythical white giraffe.
Resources Rebecca Caudill’s Young Readers Book Award. September 4, Perma-Bound. October 5,