BlueLink Information Network
E-voting platform for Civil Society in Bulgaria Milena Bokova Executive Director BlueLink Information Network June 2008, Riga June 2008, Riga.
What is BlueLink? An electronic network of environmental civil society in Bulgaria - On-line forum for communication and exchange of information and ideas between environmental organisations and the society, media, science institutes and relevant organisation all over the world. - A convenient instrument for announcing and finding environmental information in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as news, finances, events, campaigns, actions, projects and ideas. - The Bulgarian member of the Association for Progressive Communications – a global network of civil society organisations whose mission is to empower and support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
What is the goal? -To facilitate the information exchange and the connection between Bulgarian civil society groups, to improve their quality of work, in order to increase their effectiveness in protecting the environment and building civil society. - To awaken the public concern for protection of nature and human health, to create prerequisites for public participation in the process of building civil society. - To serve non-governmental organisations and all others, who are interested in nature protection and in increasing the influence of the civil society – media, science and educational institutions, governmental and municipal bodies and the business.
e-Representation platform The instrument The E-voting platform ( is an internet based instrument for electing civil society representatives to act in various institutional bodies taking decisions in the area of environmental protection and sustainable development in Bulgaria. It is built in compliance with the election procedure developed by the environmental NGO community at series of National Conferences.
e-Representation platform The beneficiaries - Civil society – the on-line platform enables the environmental NGO community to elect their representatives and receives feedback from them; - Governmental and municipal bodies who need civil society representatives in their work. Technical aspects - PHP and MySQL based; - Different access levels: administrative access, access for registered NGOs and public access; - Flexible as administration and use, can be easily replicated in other civil groups. e-Representation platform
The content – About Civil е-Representation – Who can apply? – Registration – Elections – Election procedure mechanism – Necessary documents to apply – Acting civil society representatives – Commissions and institutions with NGO representation – National conferences of environmental NGOs – Blog of the elected civil society representatives – Partners – Contacts e-Representation platform
BlueLink Information Network