Did you know... World Record – Longest period of time a human has intentionally gone without sleep (no stimulants) Randy Gardner (1964) 17-years old 264 Hours (11 days) Held Press Conference on last day – spoke without slurring Health was monitored – negative cognitive & behavioral changes were reported After falling asleep – slept 14 hours, 40 minutes.
Facts Although some people insist they NEVER dream, research suggests EVERYONE dreams during the night In sleep labs, people wakened from REM periods report % were dreaming w/ vivid & colorful images (even bizarre)
Important Vocab Consciousness- Our awareness of ourselves and our environment. Hypnosis- A social interaction in which one person (the subject) responds to another person’s (the hypnotist’s) suggestions that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur. Circadian Rhythm- The biological clock; regular bodily rhythms (for example, of temperature and wakefulness) that occur on a 24-hour cycle. REM Sleep- Rapid eye movement sleep; a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur.
Important Vocab Sleep- Period, natural loss of consciousness- as distinct from unconsciousness resulting from a coma, general anesthesia, or hibernation. Hallucinations- False sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus. NREM Sleep- Non-rapid eye movement sleep; encompasses all sleep stages except for REM sleep.
Consciousness refers to different levels of awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings Alertness to nonalertness Not completely aware = altered state i.e. sleep
Defining Consciousness
What is Hypnosis? ter=ckTlQZWD_2GdFVAp8ujbUA&safe=active ter=ckTlQZWD_2GdFVAp8ujbUA&safe=active
Levels Of Analysis for Hypnosis
FAQ about Hypnosis Can anyone experience hypnosis? Can hypnosis enhance recall of forgotten events? Can hypnosis force people to act against their will? Can hypnosis be therapeutic? Can hypnosis relieve pain?
REM sleep, a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, a high level of brain activity, a deep relaxation of the muscles and dreaming This is the time when we will dream. “Active sleep” 15 minutes (beginning of night) to 45 minutes (end of night) Your voluntary muscles are paralyzed. There are two (2) major types of sleep
NREM sleep. This stands for non-rapid eye movement and is the other type of sleep. Where we spend the majority of our sleep time Divided into 4 stages (first four) Decreases in length as nights’ sleep progresses. “Quiet sleep”
Why do we sleep? Sleep theories – Sleep protects – Sleeps helps recuperation – Memory storage – Sleep and creative thinking – Sleep and growth
WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T GET SLEEP? It can affect immune system It can cause you to hallucinate You will have less energy Your cognitive performance can be affected
Effects of Sleep Loss
The Importance of Sleep. Russell Foster: Why do we sleep? TED Talk
Texting and sleep 2010 Research – Average teen sends more than 100 texts per day Major cause of sleep deprivation in teens Texts may awaken you and decrease sleep Playing games on your phone before bed can prevent sleep Study showed that 77.5% of teens that text or surf web at night have trouble falling asleep Can cause mood, behavior, and cognitive problems during the day including ADHD, anxiety, depression
CIRCADIAN RHYTHM 24-hour biological clock; genetically programmed; regulates physiological responses Disrupting the circadian rhythm causes problems Sleep is regulated by environment/industrial clock, NOT your circadian rhythm POTENTIAL PROBLEMS?
Problems that can result from disrupting the circadian clock – Accidents (body prepared for sleep, trying to stay awake to drive, alertness decreases) – Jet lag – illness
Your circadian rhythm for body temperature influences your sleep preferences
Treating Circadian Problems – Melatonin - supplements have been proven to help people sleep
Sleep Disorders DefinitionAssociated with Insomnia Failure to get enough sleep at night Daytime - fatigue, impaired concentration, memory difficulty, lack of well-being Sleep Apnea Repeated periods during sleep when a person stops breathing Daytime - exhausted; chances of developing increases when overweight, use alcohol or sedatives Narcolepsy Suddenly falling asleep or feeling very sleepy during the day Daytime – sleep attacks accompanied by REM sleep
Sleep Disorders
NIGHTMARES & NIGHT TERRORS Nightmares – unpleasant dreams occur during REM Night terrors – sleep disruptions in stage IV; involve screaming, panic, confusion; often no memory of it SLEEPWALKING Most common in young children – will outgrow it Linked to stress, fatigue, drug use
DREAMS Everybody dreams Often incorporate everyday activities into dreams FREUD (Dream interpretation): Dreams have hidden meaning/reveal the unconscious MANY DREAM THEORIES: problem-solving theory mental housecleaning/clean brain extending waking life
Why do we dream? we-sleep-and-dream.html we-sleep-and-dream.html
DRUGS & CONSCIOUSNESS PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS: chemicals that affect the nervous system and result in altered states Stimulants: elevate mood, increase energy & alertness caffiene cocaine Meth Ecstasy Nicotine Depressants: slow down nervous system alcohol sleeping pills Barbiturates Opiates Hallucinogens: change persons perception of reality marijuana LSD
MARIJUANA & ALCOHOL Marijuana the dried leaves and flowers of Indian hemp (cannabis sativa) that produce altered states of consciousness effects vary from person to person, situation to situation studies suggest more dangerous to lungs than cigarette disrupts memory formation psychological addiction? Alcohol can loosen inhibitions despite stimulating effect is a depressant Can cause brain and liver damage underage drinking has actually decreased