Be still Continue when ready
Breathe deeply
God is with you Continue when ready
Open the eyes and ears of your heart To the indwelling god
As you read the scripture passage on the slide that follows become aware of what word or phrase speaks to you? Continue when ready
The spirit of God has been given to me. God has anointed me. God has sent me to bring good news to the poor... to proclaim liberty to captives... and to the blind new sight... to set the downtrodden free... to proclaim God’s year of favour God’s year of favour. Luke 4:18-19 Continue when ready
Sit with that word or phrase. Ponder it. Let it speak to your inner spirit. Continue when ready
Following in the ways of Jesus, Mary had a deep love for those on the margins of society. With a strong sense of justice she knew that God had anointed her for... Continue when ready
When Mary was again elected as Mother General in 1881 she said to the Sisters “I did not and do not feel able for another six years of office. The prospect frightens me so pray hard for me.” Continue when ready Work humbly with the means God has placed at your disposal. 30/8/1886
What stirs in your heart as you hold these words of Mary MacKillop? Continue when ready
(your name) I have given you my Spirit. I have anointed you. I have anointed you. ( your name) work humbly with the gifts God has given you. Continue when ready In the stillness of my inner spirit I embrace God’s gifting me... I am anointed and gifted for...
Liberating God, awaken me to the needs of your people who find themselves on the margins of society. As I follow you in your ways anoint me that I may touch your people gently, colour their lives lightly. May I walk humbly with your people. Continue when ready
WE look forward to praying with you on day NINE.