Looking Ahead: Awakening Natural Science Curiosity T. Daniels 3 October 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Looking Ahead: Awakening Natural Science Curiosity T. Daniels 3 October 2012

Introduction Excited about changes in education in SA. We have the potential to create an economic giant i.e. it is Africa’s time. 5 year olds are inquisitive. Brain development – some even argue that they are geniuses at this age. However, by the time they reach high school, the majority are no longer inquisitive. We have to awaken the natural science curiosity, not only in learners but in ourselves as educators


Gr 12 Mathematics results Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Year Total enrolment Maths enrolment %Year Total enrolment Maths enrolment %Year Total enrolment Maths enrolment %

Grade 12 Physical Sciences results Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Year Total enrolment P. Science enrolment %Year Total enrolment P. Sciences enrolment %Year Total enrolment P. Sciences enrolment %

Impact Lag behind other countries Recent Sasol Solar Challenge – Winner – Tokai University from Japan

How do we change this?

P. O. E. Capture the imagination and interest of learners from an early age. P – Predict O – Observe E – Explain Demonstration (Life Skills – Term 3 – objects that float and sink) Video

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead: State Action plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling Action plan to Goals E.g. Goals 5 & 6 : “To increase the number of learners who pass mathematics and Physical Sciences”. Have to work systematically by ensuring that Goal 1 is reached i.e. “Increase the number of learners in Grade 3 who by the end of the year have mastered the minimum language and numeracy competencies for grade 3”.

Looking Ahead: Why become an ECD practitioner / educator. Many respond: “I love working with children”. My opinion, this statement is incomplete. … to harness/awaken the natural science curiosity of learners. … enable them to intrinsically motivate themselves. … so that they develop a love for science and maths. … so that they will develop skills, knowledge, values needed to be globally competitive citizens and contribute to the economic well-being of South Africa.

Looking Ahead Develop a “love” to improve your subject content knowledge. Keep abreast of the latest educational theories. Understand how learners learn. Continuously change your teaching practices to best suit the needs of learners. Develop a community of practitioners / educators where you meet on a regular basis to share and learn from one another. Understand / accept that this is not a half-day job. You are in it for the long haul – 40 years of your life. Understand and accept that you impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of learners and this will determine the future of our country.

Choice not Fate Choose to awaken your science curiosity and that of your learners

Thank you