Musical Time Periods/Musical Styles 7th Grade
Gregorian Chant (800-1100) 9-12th Century 1st type of music to have been notated in the 10th Century. Full singing (plainchant) in a form of monophonic/Unison. Chants were learned by word of mouth. Originated from the Monastic Life (Monks). Chanted 9 times a day during religious services. Only sung by men and boys.
Medieval Period (1100-1400) 12-15th Century Music was an integral part of everyday life, specially during festivities and celebrations. Very important for people of this era. Cheery music/Folk music. Instruments: recorders, horns, trumpets, whistles, bells, and drums High pitched music used to awaken spring (hibernating animals) pagan belief. Winter: Bells were used to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Music used during meals. A platform/stage was built in a great hall where people would sit and enjoy music as they ate their meals.
Middle Ages: Gregorian and Medieval Melody: Predominant and step wise. Mostly Stepping notes. Unison/monophonic Rhythm: No regular meter; based on text. Harmony: Not present. Timbre: Gregorian is mainly vocal/voices and Medieval some wind instruments are used and percussion. Music is not notated. Form: Gregorian is Church music and Medieval music is very pagan, some religious, too. Expressive Controls: Not indicated.
Rennaissance (1400-1600) 15-17th Century. Time of rebirth: learning, science, and arts. Inventions” Printing press and compass. Melody: Based on church modes. More elegant and complex melodic lines. Rhythm: Not very strong rhythmic feeling. Harmony: Polyphony/ two or more lines played at the same time. Timbre: Same as Medieval with more strings. Form: Church music; dances. Dynamics: There are contrast in dynamics. Music was improvised/ made up on the spot.
Baroque Period (1600-1750) 17-18th Century Music is more organized, expresses order. Written and not improvised. Melody: Lively and tuneful, heavily ornamented. Rhythm: Steady and driving rhythm. Harmony: Established Major and minor key systems/Circle of fifths. Beginning of classical music through the counterpoint and cannon. Timbre: Developed new instruments and it was the beginning of an orchestra. Development of the string family. Form: Operas, Cantatas, Oratorios, Sonatas, concertos, fugue, and cannon. Expressive Controls: More dynamics used, emphasis on expression.
Classical Period Melody: 4 to 8 measures long phrases and built on chord tones. Rhythm: Consistent Rhythm and meter/time signatures Harmony: more melodic and harmonic contrasts. Timbre: Orchestra expanded in size, range and complexity. The establishment of the symphonic orchestra. Form: Symphony, rondo-form, sonata allegro. Expression controls: Expressed feelings and emotions. Balanced dynamics and clear articulation.
Romantic Period Melodies: longer melodies and melodic ideas and musical themes. Rhythm: Consisted meters and some mixed meters/ changed of time signature. Harmony: Functional harmony, used of ½ steps in music / chromaticism. Timbre: Expansion of orchestra. Explored new sounds and possibilities. More powerful instruments. Form: Songs, program music, and the expansion of the symphony. Expressive controls: Tempo changes, greater dynamic variation, and more crescendos.
Impressionism Melody: use of the pentatonic scale and melodic fragments. Rhythm: Unusual meters, avoiding the regular down beats. Harmony: 7th and 9th chords. Timbre: Delicate tone, harps, flutes, high strings were the favorite of this time. Form: Development of short melodic fragment. Expression controls: Dynamics tend to be quiet, freedom with tempos: very legato and smooth melodic lines.
Twentieth Century/Modern Melody: Experiment with new ideas, return to church modes. Rhythm: Variety of rhythms/polyrhythms. Harmony: Chords built on the 4th and 5th . Linear harmony. Timbre: electronic sounds and human sounds. Form: Free form, tied loosely different motives/expression. Jazz, Ragtime, Rock, Latin music, etc… Expressive Controls: Wide dynamic contrast.