MONAVIE TRAINING START RIGHT, START NOW Success is not by chance Guesswork is not involved Proven and predictable pattern of actions Borrow skills / experience where needed Don’t RE-INVENT the Wheel
10 STEPS TO SUCCESS 1.Enroll as a Member 2.Place your Initial Order 3.Complete appropriate Autoship 4.Build Belief and Knowledge 5.Document your Goals 6.Build your Candidate List 7.Learn how to Invite 8.Share the Opportunity 9.Understand the Toolkit 10.Repeat and Teach Others the same
MONAVIE TRAINING 1. ENROLL AS A MEMBER First required to Trial the product or to build a business Treat this like a multimillion dollar business and commit to working your business EVERY day Make sure your payment method is set up and has funds available. Have a Backup. Distributor ID, password and the contact details of your sponsor should be close at hand To enroll online go to and click “enroll”. An enrolling prospect will need the Distributor ID of their sponsor A GOOD Sponsor will provide a welcome letter or welcome txt to their new distributor with relevant information provided.
MONAVIE TRAINING 2. PLACE AN INITIAL ORDER One case is 4 bottles of juice with a point value of 100 points At the recommended serve of 60ml twice a day, one person will drink a bottle a week, which is a case a month. Therefore you need one case per person per month in your household Plus you need juice to share or sell to customers Remember, if you do not have ANY stock you are not in business People will also copy what you do Pre-pay shipping if possible If you are building a business the minimum first order is 6 cases
MONAVIE TRAINING 3. COMPLETE AUTOSHIP People are most successful in this business if the business is built on autoship Autoship enough to drink AND build Autoship ensures you stay ACTIVE in MonaVie which is a requirement for getting paid If possible, load a credit card into the system AND a backup and stay on autoship Ideally autoship should be set early in the week to enable easier rank advancements and correction if credit cards do not process
MONAVIE TRAINING 4. BUILD BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE Build your Belief in Network Marketing o Watch “The Evolution of Network Marketing” by Randy Schroeder o Watch “Why Network Marketing” o Read “Why We Want You to be Rich” Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki Build your Belief in MonaVie o Complete Product training on tasteshare.com/training o Monavieuniversity.com o Watch Black Diamond Documentaries Build Belief in Yourself o Read or Listen to Personal development books and Tapes e.g. Awaken the Giant Within – Anthony Robbins Tasteshare.com Content o Paul Zane Pilzer Keynote o Wall Street Supplement o Why Network Marketing? o Evolution of Network Marketing
MONAVIE TRAINING 5. DOCUMENT YOUR GOALS Talk to your sponsor about what you want from MonaVie Write your goals down Agree on the activities needed to achieve these goals Attend a Goals Course Build a “Vision Board” Ask what you want your life to look like in 5-10 years What do you want to BE, DO and HAVE Ask yourself how you will be helping others Ask yourself how you will help your family Ask yourself how that will make you feel Are you EMOTIONALLY attached to these goals.
MONAVIE TRAINING 6. BUILD CANDIDATE LIST Crucial that you have MANY people on your list and you keep adding to your list ALL the time. Make sure you have over 100 names Do not prejudge whether people will be good or not at this business or whether you think they will drink MV or not. Rich, poor, sick, healthy, young, old, male, female, same as you or different. Look at your phone and add people from your phone list Think of professionals you know who are good at business Use a memory jogger and take half and hour to an hour to complete your first list You can use the “Getting Started Workbook”
MONAVIE TRAINING 7. LEARN HOW TO INVITE Repeatedly listen to “The Invitation” by Randy Schroeder and write notes. Practice your invitation in front of a mirror, tape yourself, ask a friend to help you improve Goal of the invitation is to have people come and hear more information (NOT to tell them everything over the phone) Invite them by focusing on things that important to the Prospect NOT what is important to you Learn YOUR elevator pitch Be proud of your business
MONAVIE TRAINING 8. SHARE THE OPPORTUNITY tasteshare.com/training to see how to present the MonaVie product and opportunity Share: 1:1, Home Tasting Party (HBR), Open Presentation 1:1 Anytime, Anywhere – Comfortable Convenient for your prospect Home Tasting Party – 6-8 or more. Ask husband and wife o attend together (count as 1). No kids or pets, Water and Juice Only, Start on Time, < 1 hour, Close at end Open – Great for belief building but don’t become dependent. ABC Rules – A Upline, B holds Meeting, C Prospect. B edify A, B tells A about C. A arrive after C, never left waiting, A not interrupted or left waiting. B bridge A to C Followup – Go through getting started, qualify list Do new distributor training, reference – Toolkit Share bottles of juice by either giving them away or asking people to buy their samples and give them examples of different testimonials people experience from drinking MonaVie Do presentations for your downline and teach them what to say to help them become successful
MONAVIE TRAINING 9. UNDERSTAND THE TOOLKIT o Toolkit o Newsletters o Webinars o Training EVERY New Distributor should complete “Getting Started” workbook in first 48 Hours EVERY New Distributor should listen to “Getting Started” audio EVERY New Distributor should follow the 10 Steps in the Getting Started Toolkit
MONAVIE TRAINING 10. REPEAT AND TEACH OTHERS Keep adding to your list of prospects Keep perfecting your invitation by practicing talking to people Keep sharing and attending meetings Understand the tools Keep teaching your team to do what you do KEY TO SUCCESS: o First Order Bonus Regularly o Star Maker Bonus Regularly o Teach Others to Do the Same OR Become a Star Make Stars
METRICS FOR SUCCESS Gold Rush 1.Create 10 personally sponsored (PE) stars in 90 days (3 months) 2.Month 1 create 3 PE stars 3.Month 2 create 3 PE stars 4.Month 3 create 4 PE stars Ruby Run 1.Under each personally sponsored star (that has indicated they want o build) 2.Assist the team sponsor distributors deep 3.ALWAYS work with the deepest most exc itedperson 4.Identify 3-4 key builders per PE leg and TRAIN them to do what you do.
METRICS FOR SUCCESS Black Diamond in Months 1.Speak to two (2) people a day 2.Enroll two to four (2-4) People a Week 3.Make one (1) Star a week 4.Teach them to replicate Metrics for Diamond 1.Enroll 20 on left and 20 on right Independent Builders Meetings 1.Bring 2 people to every meeting Sponsor two, help them get two and so on
GEMS OF WISDOM Never Give Up Can’t change past, can only action today to change the future tomorrow. Think about Medical Specialist – Dr must study for 12 years and learn on job for many more and only gets paid when working. MonaVie specialist learns on job and gets paid whether work or not. Start as a C, become B then A. Sponsor people with skills you don’t have You need to OWN your business. You must be capable to doing the presentation and doing the training You are a TEACHER providing team members with belief, knowledge and skills development