Faith, Hope, & Jubilation Fe, Esperanza, y Júbilo Called to be Holy in Daily Life It’s all about the Domestic Church! │ The Vatican II Center Today Vatican II calls us to holiness What is holiness? Who is called? How can you invite youth and adults? What are YOU called to as a leader? │ The Vatican II Center Vatican II All the bishops in the world + the Pope In Rome for 4 annual sessions 16 total documents 4 great Constitutions A high level papal document Meant to set direction for many years │ The Vatican II Center 4 Great Constitutions Divine Revelation Dei Verbum Approved 2344 to 6 Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium Approved The Church Lumen Genitum Approved The Church in the Modern World Gaudium & Spes Approved │ The Vatican II Center Constitution on the Church The Church – chapter 5 We are called to holiness by Christ We transform the activities & events of every day life into holy moments Everyone is called to be holy (#40) The pathway to holiness is love (#42)
From the Mouths of Babes...
Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark. Amy, age 9
Lot's wife was a pillar of salt by day, but a ball of fire by night. John, age 10
Solomon, one of David's sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines. Hector, age 9
Moses died before he ever reached Canada. Joshua, age 8
The epistles were the wives of the apostles. Dave, age 9
A Christian should have only one spouse; this is called monotony. Charlene, age 10
Why do many people find it hard to hear that they are called to be holy?
Our view of the Church: The Holy Sacred Close to God The un-holy Profane Worldly
The Church is in the holy part… The Holy The un-holy
Money, for example The Holy Sacred Close to God The un-holy Profane Worldly Root of all evil Stewardship!
The Holy The un-holy But we live in the world…
The Holy The un-holy Where we live Priests Sisters Brothers Deacons Where holy people live
The Holy The un-holy Where we live Priests Sisters Brothers Deacons Where holy people live Bishops Certain lay people
The Holy The un-holy Where we live Priests Sisters Brothers Where holy people live
The Church of Vatican II: The People of God in their daily lives The building with the cross on top.
The Church of Vatican II: The People of God in their daily lives It’s the People of God! It’s a Universal Call to Holiness! We’re all part of the HOLY! We’re called to build holy homes, have holy meals, and yes, even have holy money!
From the Church: “Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.” (CCC #2223) by creating a home animated with love in which children learn values and in which they see parents of faith this applies likewise to friends, spouses, or partners if you don’t have children…
From the Church “The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute.” (Declaration on Christian Education, #3 From Vatican II)
From the Church “Parents are the primary educators in the faith.” (GDC, #255) Passing on values Awaken faith in the young First tentative steps of prayer Human love
How can we help people develop daily life habits that lead to greater holiness?
Here’s the secret Learn how to die to yourself How to sacrifice yourself for others How to donate your very self in love. Teach others to do this: Die to yourself
Holiness It’s more than knowing theology More than “being right about everything the church teaches” Forming people for daily holiness Builds on liturgy and education Provides the bridge for non-active folks │ The Vatican II Center In parish life How can a parish help people encounter Christ & grow in holiness? Small group faith formation Including Scripture, prayer, and sharing Parish-based retreats This is what my workshop will treat in more detail tomorrow afternoon. │ The Vatican II Center Growing in holiness Certainly textbooks can help… But sometimes you have to just put down the book. What’s needed is not there It’s in your heart How does someone meet Christ? │ The Vatican II Center Meeting Christ By meeting YOU: Your generous spirit with them They see you being forgiving They can tell that your faith is important Give away your own heart And in that, people will meet Christ │ The Vatican II Center Daily holiness Specific suggestions Teach these in your parish On a par with religious education
Called to be holy – in daily life One. Set goals and be realistic: Shared meals Talking about the day Welcoming people as guests Observing life transitions
Called to be holy – in daily life Two. Give and receive daily love. Use each other’s names Leave love notes for each other Know what each other has going on Don’t live alone together
The household is the place where we learn the ways of love.
Households are where the church lives.
We ought to teach Home Making in all our catechetical programs.
Dining together is the most natural form of household faith sharing.
Dust less... and use the china more It’s time to…
Called to be holy – in daily life Three. Let the hurting & poor lead you. Our money is our greatest problem Find a way to serve someone -- as a household Don’t focus only on yourselves Ask: “How did meeting this person in need affect our lives?”
Called to be holy – in daily life Four. Acknowledge hardship & struggle. No home is perfect Sometimes there is pain, illness, & loss Or even fear, betrayal & violence Get help when you need it
Called to be holy – in daily life Five Create a parish-connected home Holy Water, a Cross Prayer spaces Sacred Music Active parish life connected to home life
Called to be holy – in daily life Six Follow the Liturgical Seasons Advent leading up to Christmas Mid Winter Lent leading up to Easter Don’t forget Easter leading to Pentecost
Called to be holy – in daily life Seven See everyday activities as holy Recycling your garbage Going for a walk as a household Giving each other little gifts Asking each other about the day Affirming each others’ good parts
Thank you As leaders in your parishes You play a vital role And make a lot of sacrifices As a leader You are a role model People see how you live Thank you for all you do!