MANAGING Tough Times Adult Education Practices ANR Professional Development March 22, 2011 Don Broshar and Joani Schweitzer
MANAGING Tough Times Adult Education Practices Three things we need to create for adult learners Apply these to ANR’s work in the context of Steve Sapp research presented 3/11 1 – 2 PM 2 – 3:45 PM
MANAGING Tough Times Adult learning Pedagogy Teaching children Teacher directed Andragogy Art and science of helping adults learn Learner directed
MANAGING Tough Times Competence TRUST COMPLIANCE Confidence
MANAGING Tough Times Adults learn best when Adults learn best when : The time is right for them to learn. They understand why something is important to know or do. They have the freedom to learn in their own way. Learning is experiential. The process is positive and encouraging. Malcolm Knowles
MANAGING Tough Times Create Context
MANAGING Tough Times Patterning
Create room in the bucket
MANAGING Tough Times Stand up and stretch!
MANAGING Tough Times Create a safe space
MANAGING Tough Times Take a deeeeeep breath. © Getty Images
MANAGING Tough Times It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. -Einstein
MANAGING Tough Times Transformative learning Transformative learning is learning that transforms problematic frames of reference – sets of fixed assumptions and expectations (habits of mind, meaning perspectives, mindsets) – to make them more inclusive, discriminating, open, reflective, and emotionally able to change. Jack Mezirow, 1997
MANAGING Tough Times Transformative learning involves: Become aware and critical of own and others’ assumptions Recognize frames of reference Practice redefining problems from another view point Engage in critical discourse
MANAGING Tough Times “In this sense, learning is a social process, social process, and discourse becomes central to making meaning.” -Mezirow to making meaning.” -Mezirow
MANAGING Tough Times Goal: To demonstrate and apply a tool, “Focused Conversation” Set the Stage Use an ORID Objective Questions Reflective Questions Interpretive Questions Decisional Questions Then process the experience of using the tool