TABLE OF CONTENTS One – Peace until… Two – PARASITES!!! Three – That’s a Big One! Four – My Reflection! Five – Death Mountain Lizards. Six – Slimy Scaly Zombies! Seven – Zora… Uh-Oh. Eight – Gone Fishing. Nine – Got a Mallet, now what? Ten – Race back to the Castle! Eleven – My Shadow! Twelve – The End, or so it seemed…
CHAPTER ONE: PEACE UNTIL… “Legend tells of a time when evil ruled the land of Hyrule. But, a young boy waited seven years and freed the land of Hyrule from it’s evil grasp! When the boy left to find his old friend, the Triforce he held split into Eight pieces. Centuries passed and evil had risen again. But a young boy found all eight pieces and sealed evil away forever and drown Hyrule with it. All that remains are the mountain tops of the canyons. Peace had lived forever, until this day…” Once upon a time on the forest isles, Link was resting. It had been nearly five years since his battle with Ganondorf and he was still exaughsted. Although he had lost the Master Sword, he still trained for when the next evil rises! Of course he would never be able to obtain the Master Sword again. If he pulled it, the evil trapped inside shall rein its terror across the land! The Master Sword is what holds the seal keeping evil at bay! If it is drawn, Ganon will get his power back and destroy Hyrule! “Link… Link! Awaken Link… RISE!!!” “Who is saying that? What’s going on?!” “Go to the Forest Shrine. Defeat the evil that nests there!” “What EVIL?! I sealed away all the evil!” “No, go to the Shrine of the Forest!” “Uh, fine. But just to prove to that there are no Parasites or something in there!”
CHAPTER TWO: PARASITES!!! Link arrived at the Forest Shrine and saw a huge cob web blocking the way. “Good thing I kept that lantern, eh?” Swish! Crackle crackle. Link burned down the web and entered the shrine of the Great Deku Tree “ Link… Para… sites… In… si…de…me… destr…oy … them…” “Don’t worry Great Deku Tree! I’ll kill them all!” Link started up the Great Deku Tree’s branches (there’s a hole on top of his head!) to defeat the parasites! “Here I go!” Link dropped down into the Great Deku Tree! Link lit a torch but found nothing! “There’s nothing in here!!! What did the Great Deku Tree call me down here for? There’s no parasites anywhere. Wait a minute… there’s something behind me!” Link turned around to find a huge red Eyeball!!! “Die Long lost hero. DIE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!”
CHAPTER THREE: THAT’S A BIG ONE! “ What is that thing?!” “I am your worst nightmare!!! DDIIEEE!!!!!” A huge ball of darkness appeared and then huge brown bones of fire appeared with a huge green eyeball! “Now Charaded Ghoma, kill the little pest who holds the Triforce of Courage!!! I have other matters to attend to!” With a quick spin, the red eye was gone! “ Oh great! Another Ghoma to defeat! The green eye combined with the fire bones and formed the shape of Ghoma