A MESSAGE FROM THE ONENESS UNIVERSITY The 9 th of June is celebrated as the day of Relationship by the Oneness Movement world over. This day Sri Amma Bhagavan shower Their blessing to awaken the heart to Love and Connectedness in intimate family relationships. Let us remember that Oneness begins at home. We live like strangers in a guesthouse oblivious of what is happening to the other. We think we exist independent of the other, while in truth our lives are inseparable. We understand connectedness as a concept and try to practice it as an ideal. According to us, it is to feel and experience the other as ourselves. Is it really possible for you to experience someone other than yourself? All experiences of life be it events, situations and people are happening only within you. You are the centre of your universe. As you get in touch with yourself, be it an emotional disturbance, fear, craving for love, loneliness, happiness or pleasure…you realise that the other person too is having the very same experience when life throws it upon him/her. As you get in touch with yourself, you get in touch with the other. Your parents, spouse, children, siblings are but a part of yourself and you, a part of them. We are constantly affecting each other’s thoughts and emotions. The sense of separation is only an illusion. This is the birth of connectedness.
You could give and receive Deekshas to awaken the feeling of connectedness with the members of your family. You could also offer your special prayers for their immediate problems to be solved. All of you are aware of the needs of your near and dear ones and an earnest prayer from your heart is the greatest expression of your love towards them. May their life be filled with joy, love, success and prosperity. This message could be read to the participants before they receive the Deeksha. Since the day holds a special significance for families coming together you could also perform family prayers by holding hands with each other sitting in circle. On this day….
May all individuals come together as families And families come together as communities And communities become one humanity
With love and prayers for each of you, The guides of the Oneness University