The Madremonte is one of the legends of Colombia. Madremonte means the mother of the mountains, Winds, rains and all vegetal things. Sometimes she appears covered with mossy and all putrefied, with roots and that live in the small rivers near the big rocks. Generally she appears in the tangles and you can hear her ugly voice and loud screams in raining and dark nights. When she is angry she screams as loud as she can, she rolls in the marshiest and makes the rivers grow.
Farmers have said that when Madremonte bathes in the headwaters of rivers, they are clouding and overflow, causing floods, severe depressions, causing horrific damage. It penalizes those who invade and fight for their land boundaries. She rules the winds, the rains, and all the vegetation, and her role is to protect nature. She punishes those who invade her territory, by making them get lost. Suddenly paths disappear and become overgrown with vegetation, mountains change their shape, and the person becomes dizzy and will often sleep for several hours. When they awaken, they are lost. She treats unfaithful and wicked men with the same punishment, while children that invade her territory are spirited away and hidden behind waterfalls -- never to be seen again.
The Madremonte looks like a large woman. She has large, bony hands, large teeth and glowing eyes. Her body is covered in leaves and moss. Her hair is a tangled mess of plants and moss which often covers her face. She lives in the mountains and jungles(in Antioquia and Caldas).She also lives in swamps where streams are born. People who claim to have seen her, usually report to have done so near thickets and bushes in jungle like areas. Others report having heard her bloodcurdling screams and groans on stormy nights.
There has been no recent sightings. The United States has a similar legend, ours is called Mother Nature.