Interne Groupe France Télécom ICN: Opportunities and Challenges Orange Labs – France Telecom Group Bruno Kauffmann, Orange Labs 18 May 2011, ICN Session,


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Presentation transcript:

interne Groupe France Télécom ICN: Opportunities and Challenges Orange Labs – France Telecom Group Bruno Kauffmann, Orange Labs 18 May 2011, ICN Session, FIA Budapest

2 interne Groupe France Télécom Orange Labs – ICN Session – FIA Budapest – 18 May 2011 Content Naming  Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme;  Cryptographically-strong comparison function and/or human- readable names;  Decentralized index for searching;  Constructed at content publication;  Used on name resolution.

3 interne Groupe France Télécom Orange Labs – ICN Session – FIA Budapest – 18 May 2011 Content Delivery  Caching  Pull Receiver-Oriented Protocols  Multipath C C C Request Data

4 interne Groupe France Télécom Orange Labs – ICN Session – FIA Budapest – 18 May 2011 Business Model Europe telecom groups target Google (Financial Times, 2011/04/26)  Elie Girard, head of strategy at France Telecom: “If the internet is to continue to develop sustainably, we need to set charges linked to the amount of traffic that goes through our networks.”  European telecoms companies now claim that the peering system is failing because data traffic flows are heavily skewed towards their networks. Request Data Emitter of Request Content Service Provider $?$$ ISP Transit Provider 1 Transit Provider 2

5 interne Groupe France Télécom Orange Labs – ICN Session – FIA Budapest – 18 May 2011 Challenges  Scalable and resource-effective secure naming scheme;  Fast routing by name;  Congestion and flow control;  Incentives for ICN outside network operators ?