1 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 G.T. Hoang, C. Bourdelle, B. Pégourié, J. F. Artaud, J.Bucalossi, F. Clairet, C.


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Presentation transcript:

1 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 G.T. Hoang, C. Bourdelle, B. Pégourié, J. F. Artaud, J.Bucalossi, F. Clairet, C. Fenzi-Bonizec, X. Garbet, C. Gil, R. Guirlet, F. Imbeaux, J. Lasalle, T. Loarer, C. Lowry, B. Schunke, J. M. Travère, E. Tsitrone, and the Tore Supra Team. (to appear in PRL) Evident Anomalous Inward Particle Pinch in Full Non-Inductive Plasmas Driven by Lower Hybrid Waves on Tore Supra

2 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 I p = 0.52 MA, gas D Bootstrap  15% LH power 3 MW Line density 2.5x10 19 m -2 T e (0) = 4.8 keV T i (0) = 1.3 keV  p = 0.5  N = 0.4 Stationary Z eff  2 MHD stable STEADY-STATE FULLY LHCD

3 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 Reflectometry Interferometry 29 profiles from 3s - 60s #30428 PEAKED DENSITY PROFILE IN FULLY LHCD PLASMAS #30428  = - D  n e + V. n e Ware pinch = 0  Particle Source  0? or Anomalous Pinch?

4 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr channels of Thomson scattering, from 10s - 250s #30414 Main r / a > 0.6, due to Recycling Source, when LHCD is switched on. RESILIENT DENSITY PROFILE IN THE GRADIENT REGION

5 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 ABSENCE OF TOROIDAL ELECTRIC FIELD E  Null Over the Whole Plasma Volume (from current diffusion simulation) I p = 0.5 MA, B = 4T, n e (0) = m -3 T e (0) ~ 4.8 keV; T i (0) ~ 1.3 keV #30414

6 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 Neoclassical pinch (V neo ) from NCLASS including all neoclassical effects Cannot Be Invoked to Explain Peaked Density Profile Full t=170s t=4.8s WARE PINCH VANISHES ACROSS THE WHOLE PLASMA

7 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 Negligible Particle Source In the Core Region (r / a < 0.6) Less Than 1% of Recycling and Gas Puff Sources Inside r/a = 0.7 3D neutral code EIRENE PEAKED PROFILE LINKED TO TRANSPORT PROPERTIES Negligible Impurity Source C and O dominant

8 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 RATIO V / D CLOSE TO 1m -1 IN THE GRADIENT REGION No Central Source  V / D = 1 / L n  = - D  n e + V. n e

9 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 Two Orders of Magnitude Above V neo, during LHCD phase D = D ohmic (slightly underestimated) Overestimated V neo with Z eff = 6 gives m.s -1 NEED AN INWARD PINCH MUCH HIGHER THAN NEOCLASSICAL VALUE

10 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 Same Simulated Profile may be Obtained with V  V neo, But D Lower Than Collisionnal Value Required Taking into account the parallel particle sink in SOL Outer part of the discharge accurately described __ : Simulation __ : Reflect & Interferometry O : Reflectometry #30428 PROFILE WELL REPRODUCED BY 1D SIMULATION

11 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003  n/n NEITHER PROPORTIONAL TO  q/q NOR  T/T

12 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 ISICHENKO’s FORMULA FITS BETTER PRL 74, 1995 worked quite well on 35 TFTR shots

13 G.T. Hoang TORE SUPRA Association Euratom-Cea TTF, Madison, Apr 2003 SUMMARY Density Profile Remains Peaked for More Than 3 Minutes in Fully LHCD Discharges. Peaked Density Profile Can Only Be Explained by a Particle Pinch Velocity Two Orders of Magnitude Above the Neoclassical Pinch. Radial Profile in Agreement with Isichenko’s Formula.