Cell Multiplication Helps And Hindrances
The vision is Multiplication
What are some Helps HelpsandHindrances?
Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances F Hindrance: multiplication mandates (e.g., “all cells must multiply in six months”) F Help: understand the soil and context F Hindrance: multiplication mandates (e.g., “all cells must multiply in six months”) F Help: understand the soil and context
F Hindrance: the mentality that multiplication is “the numbers game” F Help: promote multiplication as a health factor F Hindrance: the mentality that multiplication is “the numbers game” F Help: promote multiplication as a health factor Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
CHRISTIAN SCHWARZ Natural Church Development CELL GROUP MULTIPLICATION “If we were to identify any one principle as the most important, then without a doubt it would be the multiplication of small groups” (p. 32)
F Hindrance: lack of equipping focus F Help: emphasis on leadership training (disciples who make disciples) F Hindrance: lack of equipping focus F Help: emphasis on leadership training (disciples who make disciples) Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
TOUCH EQUIPPING TRACK Neighbour’s equipping track
F Hindrance: lack of vision and direction F Help: promote the vision of cell ministry and plan multiplication based on who and where a person is in the equipping process F Hindrance: lack of vision and direction F Help: promote the vision of cell ministry and plan multiplication based on who and where a person is in the equipping process Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
"Many churches are failing in their cell system because they do not give their people a clear goal and remind them constantly of their goal. If they have no goal, then the people will gather together and just have a grand fellowship." David Cho and Goal Setting
RESULT OF SURVEY Those cell leaders who knew the date for cell multiplication were far more likely to actually multiply their cell than those who failed to set a goal
SET GOALS Cell groups have the tendency to turn inward and to become self- absorbingCell groups have the tendency to turn inward and to become self- absorbing Cells need a clear- cut goal to keep them outwardly focusedCells need a clear- cut goal to keep them outwardly focused
F Hindrance: too little focus on the nucleus F Help: remind people that the nucleus- -not the cell--multiplies F Hindrance: too little focus on the nucleus F Help: remind people that the nucleus- -not the cell--multiplies Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
F Hindrance: one person leading more than one cells F Help: the essence of cell ministry is making disciples who make disciples F Hindrance: one person leading more than one cells F Help: the essence of cell ministry is making disciples who make disciples Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
Not just new cells but new disciples
F Hindrance: lack of variety in multiplication F Help: provide different options for multiplication F Hindrance: lack of variety in multiplication F Help: provide different options for multiplication Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
TYPES OF MULTIPLICATION Mother-daughter Cell Planting Leader starts new group
F Hindrance: no evangelism in the cell F Help: stir each member to reach out F Hindrance: no evangelism in the cell F Help: stir each member to reach out Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
F Hindrance: equating evangelism with cell multiplication F Help: multiplication entails a number of other disciplines F Hindrance: equating evangelism with cell multiplication F Help: multiplication entails a number of other disciplines Multiplication: Helps and Hindrances
Most people equate cell multiplication with evangelism, but evangelism is only part of the equation Most people equate cell multiplication with evangelism, but evangelism is only part of the equation IT’S A TOTAL PACKAGE
LEADERSHP EFFECTIVENESS If the LEADER only focuses on Evangelism, many will slip out the back door.If the LEADER only focuses on Evangelism, many will slip out the back door. If the LEADER only centers on Discipleship, the group will grow inward and stagnate.If the LEADER only centers on Discipleship, the group will grow inward and stagnate. If the LEADER solely concentrates on Small Group Dynamics, leadership development will suffer.If the LEADER solely concentrates on Small Group Dynamics, leadership development will suffer.
Cell multiplication embraces so many other leadership qualities that it deserves a central place of cell ministry. CENTRAL FOCUS IS MULTIPLICATION
REFLECTION What is your personal reaction to the concept that cell multiplication is such an important goal of the cell?
On a scale of 1-10, determine if your small group is more inreach oriented or outreach oriented (1 being inreach and 10 outreach). Use the same measurement to determine the orientation of the small groups in your church. On a scale of 1-10, determine if your small group is more inreach oriented or outreach oriented (1 being inreach and 10 outreach). Use the same measurement to determine the orientation of the small groups in your church. REFLECTION 1105