attacks of sleep narcolepsy
inward looking introspective
paralysis on one side hemiplegia
come between intervene
get around circumvent
group of symptoms syndrome
crystal clear pellucid
lower in rank subordinate
monkeys, apes, and humans primate
harsh in sound dissonant
excess surfeit
warlike belligerent
people with superior knowledge cognoscenti
believable credible
eighty-year-old octogenarian
about to happen; imminent impending
self-esteem Amour-propre
multi-melodic polyphonic
sun-following heliotropic
to free from blame exculpate
lively vivacious
pleasant name euphemism
powerful person magnate
helper benefactor
delusions of greatness megalomania
inward looking introspective
attacks of sleep narcolepsy
crystal clear pellucid
paralysis on one side hemiplegia
lower in rank subordinate
get around circumvent
group of symptoms syndrome
believable credible
monkeys, apes, and humans primate
come between intervene
harsh in sound dissonant
eighty-year-old octogenarian
warlike belligerent
excess surfeit
multi-melodic polyphonic
about to happen; imminent impending
sun-following heliotropic
people with superior knowledge cognoscenti
lively vivacious
self-esteem Amour-propre
powerful person magnate
delusions of greatness megalomania
to free from blame exculpate
helper benefactor
pleasant name euphemism
attacks of sleep narcolepsy
inward looking introspective
paralysis on one side hemiplegia
come between intervene
get around circumvent
group of symptoms syndrome
crystal clear pellucid
lower in rank subordinate
monkeys, apes, and humans primate
harsh in sound dissonant
excess surfeit
warlike belligerent
people with superior knowledge cognoscenti
believable credible
eighty-year-old octogenarian
about to happen; imminent impending
self-esteem Amour-propre
multi-melodic polyphonic
sun-following heliotropic
to free from blame exculpate
lively vivacious
pleasant name euphemism
powerful person magnate
helper benefactor
delusions of greatness megalomania
inward looking introspective
attacks of sleep narcolepsy
crystal clear pellucid
paralysis on one side hemiplegia
lower in rank subordinate
get around circumvent
group of symptoms syndrome
believable credible
monkeys, apes, and humans primate
come between intervene
harsh in sound dissonant
eighty-year-old octogenarian
warlike belligerent
excess surfeit
multi-melodic polyphonic
about to happen; imminent impending
sun-following heliotropic
people with superior knowledge cognoscenti
lively vivacious
self-esteem Amour-propre
powerful person magnate
delusions of greatness megalomania
to free from blame exculpate
helper benefactor
pleasant name euphemism