3 MANAGEMENT RELATED TO THREE IDEAS Ideas– Conceptual thinking – Planning Things– Administration People– Leadership Management – Achieve objective through other Administration – Managing the details of executive affair Leadership – Influencing people to accomplish desired objective.
4 Planning– A predetermine a course of action. Organizing – Determine the way in which the works is to be broken down into manageable units. Staffing – Selecting qualified people to do the work. Directing – Bringing about purposeful action toward desired objectives. Controlling– Measurement of results against the plan. – Rewarding people according to their performance
5 PLAN 1.Forecast – Where are we going? 2.Set objectives– Determine desire end results. 3.Dev. Strategies – How, when, who to achieve the goals. 4.Program – Establish priority, sequence, timing step. 5.Budget – Allocate resources. 6.Set procedures – Standardize method. 7.Dev. Policies – Makes standing decisions on important matters.
6 ORGANIZE 1.Establish organization structure (draw organization chart) 2.Delineate relationship (coordination) 3.Create position descriptions (responsibility and authority) 4.Establish position qualification
7 STAFF 1.Select – Qualified and competent only. 2.Orient – Familiarize new people with new situation. 3.Train – Make proficient by instruction and practice 4.Develop – Help improve knowledge, attitude and skills.
8 DIRECT 1.Delegate 2.Motivate 3.Coordinate 4.Manage differences 5.Manage change CONTROL 1.Establish reporting system 2.Develop performance standard 3.Measure results 4.Take corrective action 5.Reward
9 COMPARISION BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP. CATEGORY MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP. Thinking - Initiates Originates Process - Focuses on Focuses on things people - Looks inwardLooks outward - Accepts realityInvestigates reality Direction - Operational Vision setting plan - Improve the Create the future present - Immediate New markets financial - Sees trees Sees forest Employee - Tight control Empower Relation- Subordinates Associates - Instructs Learns - Directs andTrust and develop coordinates
10 Mode of - Efficiency Effectiveness operating (do things right) - Asks “how” andAsks “what” and “when”“why” - Deals with Embraces complexitycomplexity - Manage change Creates change Decisions - Polices, rules Values and and methods principles procedures - Relies on Relies on ideas and process and people system - achieve what’sStrives to excel expected - serves top Serves clients and manager customer
11 Leadership Aptitudes and Profiles differ (read app B) Leader as manager Leader as supervisor Leader as entrepreneur Leader as technician
Leadership aptitudes and profiles differ Four types of Leadership and the Characteristics 12
Manager (Administrator, Director) Leadership style Leads by defining goals and organising systems and resources for achieving them. Looks for Ways to get the best “input mix” of manpower, methods, machines, materials, and money so as to produce the desired output as cost-effectively as possible. Places high value on Conformity, order, control, paper-work, system, accountability. Driven by a desire for Fail-safe systems and procedures, stability. Creates conditions for Lower risk, predictability. Time frame Present: Strong influenced by. Past: “We’ve always done it this way” or “We’ve never done anything like that before” Negative consequences Bureaucracy, paralysis by analysis, unnecessary rules and regulations and paper work. Slogan “Getting things done smarter rather than harder” (Doing things right) Orientation Inward/Outward.. A balance of the right “input mix” to achieve the desired “outputs” (the management cycle) Proactive / Reactive Proactive and reactive 13
Supervisor (Overseer, Coach) Leadership style Leads by caching, motivating and rewarding others to perform. Looks for Ways to maintain motivation and to eliminate problems that keep employees from getting the work out. Places high value on Loyalty, teamwork, self-discipline, commitment, co-operation. Driven by a desire for Motivated employees and teamwork. Creates conditions for Motivated employees and teamwork. Time frame Present: “Here’s how we’re going to do it” or “How can we best meet our goals” Negative consequences Under pressure may revert to doing the work instead of getting work done through others. Slogan “Getting things done through others.” (Doing everything through teamwork) Orientation Outward, oriented toward producing products and services at predetermined levels of quantity and quality. Proactive / ReactiveReactive 14
Entrepreneur (Visionary, Leader) Leadership style Leads by providing a vision of how things might be in the future. Looks for Opportunity that haven’t been seen or realised to their fullest.. Ways to make life easier or the world a better place. Places high value on Self-realisation, inspiration, striving, change. Driven by a desire for Ideas, change, innovation, excitement. Creates conditions for High-risk, flux, uncertainty. Time frame Present: “What if we were to..” or “I’ve got an idea as how we might..” Future: Influenced by the imperfect. Negative consequences Threat to stability of organisation and job security of employees. Slogan “Getting things done right is not as important as getting the right things done.” (Doing the right things) Orientation Outward, oriented toward customers and their future needs and present frustrations with things as they are. Proactive / ReactiveProactive. 15
Technician (Specialist, Professional) Leadership style Leads by example and personal experience in chosen field of expertise. Looks for More time and fewer interruptions and crises so as to devote full energies to the work at hand. Places high value on Personal ability and individual excellence. Driven by a desire for Freedom to apply one’s talent without hassle from others. Creates conditions for Job satisfaction for self.. Control of one’s destiny. Time frame Present: “There’s work to be done.. Let’s stop talking and get it done.” “How can we ever get all this work done” Negative consequences Does it all personally – becomes bottleneck – organisation becomes too dependent – the “indespensible person” Slogan “Getting everything done.. If you want a job done right, do it yourself.” (Doing everything personally) Orientation Inward, using best inputs of which one is capable.. Primarily personal energy and expertise. Proactive / ReactiveActive 16