Problems Maisam: Spiral waves did not change when when parameters changed due to keeping the ratio between my group's parameters 1:1. Changing only one parameter at a time caused changes with the spiral waves. Girish: I started my run by setting G na to 50 percent. There was no wave. Sodium ions are the first players in an action potential. So if their concentration is below a certain level, then the current cannot reach the threshold to excite the cell.
Problems Naralys: The waves created often times were vague and difficult to differentiate from each other. Ruth: It was not clear what cells we are observing (epi/endo/M cells) which each has different value for Gks. Another issue was how long to wait to observe a patterned, but that was solved by trying different time intervals.
Problems Tova: Whenever the wave died we had to determine if it was an end point, beyond which all parameter values would make the curve die or if it was one outlier and not indicative of a trend. Maisam: The spiral wave would sometimes run into the corner and disappear. The entire simulation had to be run again and this drained a considerable amount of time.
Problems Dan: How does the change of G na or K naca affect the spiral wave, voltage or current of the channel on cell. Katarzyna: Knowing what is expected of us to show on the graph. Girish: I was not aware we were not supposed to hit reset … now we have to re-start everything.
Problems I thought it was little unorganized because we need to fix the file names and it took me a lot of time. Not really, but I think we wont be able to finish our project nicely as expected. but we all will try our best.
Results Maisam: After reducing the inward Calcium current by five percent each time and keeping the Potassium conductance the same, I created an instability in the system, causing several spiral waves to form. The more I reduced the inward Calcium current, the more unstable the waves became. But after a certain point of reducing the inward Calcium current, the extent to which the system destabilized became less. In other words, there were less spiral waves. I would like to repeat these simulations with the same parameters next time.
Results Dan: Under the tracking of Gna vs. Knaca, I got a beautiful flower pattern. When we used very high Gna such as 300%vs Knaca 100%, it created a very messy path. Anoopa: High calcium levels cause disorganized spiral waves
Results Girish: After noticing that at 50% the model died. I then tried to find the minimal percent value that can be had to actually produce a spiral wave. After 2 runs, I found that number to be for Gna. Whats even more interesting is that at this specific value, their are two spiral waves initiated but they collide and destroy each other! What could this mean? It means there could be a certain value or concentration of ions at which the spiral wave can actually destroy themselves. I also found the upper bound value of Gna to be 394%.
Results Tova: The waves were really hard, even impossible to predict. I began to wonder if it is possible, with the knowledge we currently have, to determine how the parameters affect the cardiac system.
Results Naralys: There is no wave when potassium is at 25 Josue: As the kNaCa value was decreased the wave tip dragged onto the bottom left of the canvas. Girish: So far if you reset after every run then you will get interesting patterns but nothing interesting with the gradual increase yet.
Additional Comments Dan: I think it will be good, if we can also record the voltage graph down, to see how it connect with the spiral graph. Maruf: Can any one please explain to me how our works related to the atrial fibrillation?
Additional Comments Eli: This whole process could probably have been automated with some programming effort. It may not have been worth it just for today, but would be worthwhile if further simulations will be necessary.
Additional Comments Naralys: All computers should be as fast as the super computers.