Wouter Schuitemaker Investment Director businessbirmingham.com
European FDI Destination City Birmingham11,917 Belfast7,694 Manchester7,638 Edinburgh6,710 Liverpool5,270 Glasgow5,108 Leeds3,728 Bristol3,558 Jobs created FDI projects into Europe
Investment Performance Overall, investment across Europe has fallen 2.7% increase in foreign- backed UK projects 52% increase in FDI projects in Birmingham UK regions (outside of London) have seen a decrease in FDI projects More capital investment and job creation than past 25 years
Exports are good for Investment Value of UK exports increased by £0.5bn from April West Midlands exported over £20bn worth of goods in 2012 UK regions (outside of London) have seen a decrease in FDI projects Strong international demand for advanced manufacturing products from the region – automotive in particular Countries engaging in exporting are attracting higher levels of inward investment Many of most successful exports – such as JLR and MG Motor UK – are backed by foreign companies Boosting international trade is crucial to raising the profile of the UK as a global investment destination
Post Regional Development Agency Challenges Low budget for FDI and narrow policy mandate Cross-over of target sectors Centralised National FDI pipeline to UKTI Development of local offer propositions and comparative advantage Supporting Local Delivery Partner on local issues (planning, site finding and utilities)
Business Birmingham FDI Strategy Sector Focus Spatial Planning & FDI linkages Site Propositions Promotion of broader geography International outreach Links to UKTI Trade activity Incentives
businessbirmingham.com Sector roadmap Source: PA Analysis Global powerhouse Quality over quantity Creating the buzz Economic impact (short to medium term) Higher Lower Inward Source of investment opportunities Indigenous Digital media Business & professional services Advanced engineering (auto) Auto Supply Chain ICT Food & drink Logistics Medtech Low carbon technologies Bio-pharma research Financial services Built to last
marketingbirmingham.com Pipeline 13/14 – source channels Projects by source Jobs by source UKTI Agency BB BCC CP BB CP Agency BCC UKTI Telephone Other Other multiplier Intelligence Birmingham Office Market Forum Other Other multiplier Other
businessbirmingham.com Economic Zone Development Opportunity for up to 50,000sqm of new floorspace for companies in areas of R&D, clinical trials and pharmaceutical manufacturing Creation of economic zones to fast track and expedite projects quickly Simplified planning Access to finance Gap funding Business development programmes Tailored training and recruitment packages
businessbirmingham.com City Centre Enterprise Zone 26 sites across nearly 70 hectares of Birmingham city centre Financial and Professional Services Creative and Digital Media 700,000 sqm of new office floorspace 600,000 sqm of new leisure, recreation and commercial floorspace
Partnerships Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) Main point of contact for inward investment on behalf of Black Country and Solihull – building a stronger proposition Birmingham’s international profile is growing, and with the support of partners across the Black Country and Solihull, we have an opportunity to extend this further, bringing benefits to a wider sway of this part of the world. Some areas within the GBSLEP have their own clear identity and branding and we use the most relevant in appropriate markets. Being aligned to the city will bring value and we work with the GBSLEP, local authorities and partners across the wider region to realise those benefits.
Business Birmingham – FDI pipeline businessbirmingham.com Business Birmingham active projects pipeline as per May % 7% 5% 3% 5% 4% 8% 4%
Birmingham active projects – by sector Business Professional and Financial Services 13.2% Advanced Engineering 31.6% Food and Drink 10.5% Life Sciences 6.6% ITEC 22.4% Digital Media 2.6% Pipeline as of June 2013 Sector composition (based project numbers)
SME Fast Track – available to small to medium enterprises operating within the ERDF Priority 3 areas of Birmingham and the Black Country. Mobile Investment Fund (MIF) – £2,000 per job for larger overseas investments Business Development – £8m Business Development Programme, which provides grant awards between £10,000 and £15,000 representing 45% of eligible project costs. Training and Recruitment – Birmingham Jobs Fund for employing a young Birmingham person aged includes grants of up to £4,550 per person Simplified Planning – Local Development Order (LDO) in place to speed up major planning application decisions. Innovative funding initiatives