Quality Module Planned Flow of the Software # 006 = Quality
File Covers the next cell of this flow chart Purchase indent Indent Approval Purchase Order PO checking PO Approval Gate Entry Quantity MRR QA – QC Bill Passing Paymentx
Auto entry from MRR to QC Shows pending MRR, for which QC not done Short cut QCDetailed QC ( with parameters ) Sub-Topics Covered
Quality Assurance Dept process starts
Pending in QC Report Automatic creation of this report Visible to purchase dept Visible to Stores dept Visible to Quality dept Visible to Accounts dept Also to Production and Maintenance Depts
What is pending in QC, and since when ?
That was a LIVE automatic report Available to all Updates every 1 second Immediately after a MRR is saved by a stores person And every day end, to push further, the automatic shoots….. ( see next page )
The ERP software shoots an directly to your inbox
Automatic s start To remind the Purchase dept To followup with QA dept If required For pendency over 2 days …
Question : Auto of pending in QC Send or not ? – Recommended is yes How many days pendency show in day-end ? 3 vs 0 – Recommended is ZERO days
How to do the QC ? Short Cut Simple Yes / No Detailed Parameter wise, Each reason Each test result
Time to make Quality test for incoming material…..
Pending Inspection Button shows you all MRR pending for quality check
Select the Desired Option
Pending MRR
Inward inspection only for Incoming material and outward Inspection is only for Finish goods
You need to set the templates for the quality test
Templates set now quality department only needs to tally the fields as per requirment
Now time to take quality test with the help of Inward inspection reports
Select the item from the list
Make the observation and enter into the system
Take the print for quality test Report
Short Cut QC ? To be used if the QC dept is Extra busy and cannot enter the Quality plan for each item in the ERP
Some other screens From the QC module
This is the “Short cut” QC
After the QC The Purchase bill is “passed” In next stage “Accounts Department”