© Copyright International Synergies Limited EXPLOITING OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS: Birmingham’s Circular Economy Potential Peter Laybourn Chief Executive International Synergies Limited Edgbaston Cricket Ground 11 th April 2013 © Copyright International Synergies Limited
What is Industrial Symbiosis? Numerous academic definitions... In essence: Industrial symbiosis is a systems approach to a more sustainable and integrated industrial economy that identifies business opportunities to improve resource utilisation (materials, energy, water, capacity, expertise, assets etc) Source: Lombardi and Laybourn (2012) Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(1)
Industrial Systems: Linear v Circular Linear System Products Natural Resources Waste Transition towards Circular System Natural Resources Products Waste A Resource Natural Resources
Opportunity Mapping
Case Study: Birse Civils – Project in Selly Oak Company: Birse Civils Ltd Summary: The company was searching for a suitable sustainable material to use for the temporary diversion of the canal Achievements: Cost Saving £40,000 CO 2 reduced of 375 tonnes Saving of 1,000 tonnes of Virgin Material Saving of 6,000 tonnes of Water Additional Sales of £9,000
METRICSUnitResults to DateLifetime Impact* Cost savings£41,402,903124,208,710 Additional sales£69,517,963157,009,435 CO 2 reductionT1,695,5905,086,770 Landfill diversionT1,136,7954,250,385 Hazardous waste eliminatedT27,99083,970 Virgin material savingsT3,346,77510,040,326 Water savingsT4,446,42513,339,274 Jobs3,269 Private investment££115,368,177 NB: Independently verified *limited to 5 years - 20% decay pa NISP (West Midlands) Delivered Outcomes April March 2013 £4 million Investment
Our International Experience Country Project Region/State Client Hungary NISP Hungary Kozep-Magyarorszag, Budapest European Union Life + Climate KIC Turkey NISP Turkey Iskenderun Bay area BP South Korea Co-operation on Eco-Park Development China Tianjin Economic Development Area Industrial Symbiosis Network Tianjin European Union Switch Asia China Pilot Project – Circular Economy Yunnan Province Defra – Sustainable Development Dialogues Romania ECOREG Suceava European Union Life+ Mexico NISP Mexico Toluca Lerma Defra – Sustainable Development Dialogues South Africa South Africa Industrial Symbiosis Pilot Programme Gauteng Province Defra – Sustainable Development Dialogues Poland EUR-IS Wroclaw Climate KIC Belgium essencia Brussels Brazil NISP Brazil Minas Gerais Defra – Sustainable Development Dialogues Al-Invest Italy ENEA Rome Netherlands Province of Limburg Limburg Slovakia Reducing Production Waste by Industrial Symbiosis Bratislavsky kraj ERDF United Kingdom NISP England, Scotland, N. Ireland & Wales Defra, Scottish Government, Invest Northern Ireland, Welsh Government Finland Motiva/ SITRA Helsinki
Identifying Investment Opportunities for Tysley Environmental Enterprise Zone (TEEZ) Position Birmingham as leader in resource recovery technologies Today Synergies Tomorrow Inward Investment Future Innovation Potential resource and energy synergies Transport infrastructure for resource efficiency Opportunities for green growth and inward investment Businesses to benefit from technology transfer ‘Catalyst’ developments (key opportunity sites) Innovation potential for new business creation Opportunities for green growth and inward investment Transport infrastructure for resource efficiency
Specific Investment Opportunities based on Local Resources Industrial plastics ASR/ash for metal recovery Site 3 - RDF/ERF - Drying facility Site 1 - Acids recovery - Pre- MRF - Plastics washing - Gasification Site 3 - WEEE repair & metals recovery - Technology incubator - Fuel cell recovery Site 2 - Pyrolysis - Gasification Needs site with industrial buildings - AD with urban farming MSW Non-recyclable Clean plastics RDF Acids WEEE Non-recyclable plastics ASR Paper sludge Food waste Bottom ash for metal recovery Medical waste Recovered metals plastic s Char Repaired equipment Recovered acids Bin bags Fuel cells Plastics manufacturer - Closed loop bin bags for B’ham - Plastics innovation ERF
Future Vision: Integrated Resource Recovery System with Innovation Centres Position Birmingham as leader in resource recovery technologies Today Synergies Tomorrow Inward Investment Future Innovation Recover Palladium from road sweepings Small-scale local combined-heat-and-power (CHP) opportunities anchored by existing incinerator Innovate means to recycle lithium-ion and nickel metal hydride batteries in a cost-effective way Establish WEEE reprocessor to recover plastics, precious metals and rare earth elements from WEEE Capture precious metals from incinerator bottom ash Use anaerobic digestion to anchor urban farming integrated system
Recent European Policy on Industrial Symbiosis Best Practice under the European Waste Framework Directive (2009) Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (2011) DG Enterprise Sustainable Industry-Going for Growth & Resource Efficiency (2011) European Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (2012) European Resource Efficiency Platform (2013)
Underpinning Evidence for the EU: COWI Report (2011) Economic analysis of resource efficiency policies; “the National Industrial Symbiosis Programme has the maximum possible score based on economic and environmental benefits amongst 120 policies from 23 countries” The report presents evidence to support a European-wide replication of NISP stating, “NISP shows high potential for improving resource efficiency, and the programme could be successfully replicated in every EU Member State” “NISP has significant implications for profitability…and provides for a long-term sustainable investment for growth”
Now in Mainstream Industrial Policy... “The new Industrial Policy update launched recently included practical proposals for industrial symbiosis schemes across Europe...Industrial symbiosis will be one of our priorities in 2013” Commissioner Potočnik in a speech to the Business Europe Advisory Board and Support Group (October 2012)
Birmingham...Home of Industrial Symbiosis Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Denmark EU (Commission) Finland France Germany Hungary India Indonesia Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Nigeria Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Romania South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Switzerland Turkey USA
Birmingham’s Best Kept Secret International Synergies’ NISP is accredited by the European Commission as an Exemplar of Eco-Innovation through its Environmental Technologies Action Plan 2007 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) declared Industrial Symbiosis “a la NISP” an “excellent example of systemic innovation vital for future green growth” 2010 International Synergies received the Environmental Excellence Award for Best Carbon Reduction Programme for NISP 2010 NISP has been highlighted as 1 of 20 Worldwide Green Game Changing Innovations in a report commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2010 British Expertise International Award for implementing the National Industrial Symbiosis Programme on a Global Scale 2009 Worldwatch Institute Europe, Best Practice Business Sustainability and Innovation in Publication launched at European Parliament, June International Synergies has been chosen to organise a Public Private Partnership on industrial symbiosis for the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) Copenhagen in October 2013
How Far We Have Come
2004: Industrial Symbiosis as a Novelty
“If companies can make use of waste, it will be a big benefit” Dax Lovegrove One company’s waste may turn out to be suitable fuel for another, says Sarah Murray 2010: Financial Times Managing Climate Change
Assessing industrial symbiosis’ contribution to climate change mitigation and energy security 2012: Nature Climate Change
2012: Energy Delta Institute
2013: Financial Times Mainstream Business Education
What More We Can Do...? Support Birmingham's’ Businesses Big contribution to Birmingham’s CO 2 reduction target Maximise innovation from local universities Support Birmingham’s Green Commission (especially on growth) Support LEP target on jobs and GVA TEEZ potential alone is… 500 jobs, 55kt carbon pa, £2M pa cost savings, £15M pa GVA Industrial Symbiosis “IS” is “Born in Birmingham”
Peter Laybourn Chief Executive International Synergies Limited t: +44 (0) dl: +44 (0) @NISPnetwork Thank You for Listening...