Fictionalize This A Story You Have Probably Already Heard A Project by Ben Okin
Why Write?
Family Business
Why Write? Family Business Grandma!Great-Grandpa!
Why Write? Family Business Older Brother
Why Write? Family Business Older Brother Career Aspirations (Fallback)
Early Goals
Write Something Substantial
Early Goals Write Something Substantial Write Something Different
Summer Plans
Things to Get DoneWhat Got Done
Summer Plans Things to Get DoneWhat Got Done Lots
Summer Plans Things to Get DoneWhat Got Done Lots Nothing
Back to School
Back to School Fantastic!
Time to get started
Back to School Fantastic! Time to get started First meetings with Foard
Back to School Fantastic! Time to get started First meetings with Foard
Back to School Fantastic! Time to get started First meetings with Foard Start Writing
Back to School Fantastic! Time to get started First meetings with Foard Start Writing Stop Writing
Let’s Reconsider
What next?
Let’s Reconsider What next? Self-reflective fiction too personal Self serving Take a step back from own head
Let’s Reconsider What next? Self-reflective fiction too personal Self serving Take a step back from own head Novel vs. Essay
Let’s Reconsider What next? Self-reflective fiction too personal Self serving Take a step back from own head Novel vs. Essay
Stage Two “You Are Not as Smart as You Think You Are”
Why personal essays?
Stage Two “You Are Not as Smart as You Think You Are” Why personal essays? What and How?
Stage Two “You Are Not as Smart as You Think You Are” Why personal essays? What and How? Five scripts Five films
Stage Two “You Are Not as Smart as You Think You Are” Why personal essays? What and How? Five scripts Five films Time to write, again
What Went Wrong?
What Went Wrong? Lots Got behind in other classes
What Went Wrong? Lots Got behind in other classes I was busy…
What Went Wrong? Lots Got behind in other classes I was busy… Got into college
What Went Wrong? Lots Got behind in other classes I was busy… Got into college More Importantly: Just not that into Montaigne
What Went Wrong? Lots Got behind in other classes I was busy… Got into college More Importantly: Just not that into Montaigne Most Importantly: Foard got (rightfully) fed up
What Went Wrong? Lots Got behind in other classes I was busy… Got into college More Importantly: Just not that into Montaigne Most Importantly: Foard got (rightfully) fed up Third Round
What’s that saying about the third time?
Time to push restart
What’s that saying about the third time? Time to push restart Still want to write
What’s that saying about the third time? Time to push restart Still want to write “Writers write”
Read Up
Writers Write
New Goals
New Mentor
New Goals New Mentor (Thanks Cromwell)
New Goals New Mentor (Thanks Cromwell) Keep writing “Jack Story”
New Goals New Mentor (Thanks Cromwell) Keep writing “Jack Story” Decide on realistic ending point
New Goals New Mentor (Thanks Cromwell) Keep writing “Jack Story” Decide on realistic ending point Beat Hayden Aldredge
New Goals New Mentor (Thanks Cromwell) Keep writing “Jack Story” Decide on realistic ending point Beat Hayden Aldredge Write, write, write, write, write, write, write
M-Term (and a little while afterwards)
I was finished!
What it meant:
I was finished! What it meant: I was finished
Time and project management
Challenges Time and project management Confidence in my own writing ability
Challenges Time and project management Confidence in my own writing ability Simultaneously stepping inward and outward
Challenges Time and project management Confidence in my own writing ability Simultaneously stepping inward and outward Abandoning the tragic hero
Challenges Time and project management Confidence in my own writing ability Simultaneously stepping inward and outward Abandoning the tragic hero Accepting the “writer’s process”
What I Learned
Kid can write
What I Learned Kid can write The writer’s process actually works
What I Learned Kid can write The writer’s process actually works Writing comes with life experience
What I Learned Kid can write The writer’s process actually works Writing comes with life experience Writers also read
What I Learned Kid can write The writer’s process actually works Writing comes with life experience Writers also read I’m not the writer I thought I was
Thanks Thanks Thanks Mark Foard Alexandra Cromwell Patty Lein Dale Scott Ken Sacks Katie Helfand Abigail Thomas Anyone who read for me Mom and Dad My whole family All of my friends, truly The Ross School
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