What would happen if the president told his wife to parade herself in front of drunken world leaders for them to gawk at her? ✲ She refused ✲ He divorced.


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Presentation transcript:

What would happen if the president told his wife to parade herself in front of drunken world leaders for them to gawk at her? ✲ She refused ✲ He divorced her

Search for a queen in Persia put a young Jewish girl at center stage ✲ Moral ✲ Submissive ✲ Beautiful character

Xerxes “remembered” Vashti, Est. 2:1 ✲ Concern, affection, compassion – regret ✲ God “remembered,” Gen. 8:1; 19:29; 30:22

Servants have a solution, Est. 2:2-4

Xerxes needed a wife ✲ Companion, Gen. 1:18 ✲ Not a concubine

Esther obtained the favor of Hegai, Est. 2:8-11 ✲ “Obtained” – translated ◇ Up, Gen. 7:17 ◇ Bear, Gen. 13:6 ◇ Lift “up,” Gen. 21:18 ◇ Take, Gen. 27:3 ◇ Set, Gen. 31:17 ✲ Active labor to gain favor

Esther obtained the favor of Hegai, Est. 2:8-11 ✲ Not based on sensuality ✲ Based on personality ◇ Character ◇ Attitude

Esther gained the favor of Xerxes, Est. 2:12-18 ✲ All the young women ◇ Prepared with treatments for 1 year ◇ Were “beautiful young virgins,” 2:2 ◇ Gave up the rest of their lives

Esther gained the favor of Xerxes, Est. 2:12-18 ✲ Esther took only what Hegai advised ◇ Did not pick what she wanted ◇ Listened to advice, Prov. 1:8, 9; 3:1, 2

Esther gained the favor of Xerxes, Est. 2:12-18 ✲ Esther “won” out over all others ◇ Obtained grace & favor, 2:17 ◇ Feast of Esther

The Bible tells us about true beauty ✲ Deceitful charm & passing beauty, Woman who fears the Lord to be praised, Prov. 31:30

The Bible tells us about true beauty ✲ Gracious = honor, Prov. 11:16 ✲ Lack discretion = gold ring in pig’s nose, Prov. 11:22 ✲ Virtuous wife = crown of husband, Prov. 12:4

The Bible tells us about true beauty ✲ Inner beauty is what matters, 1 Pt. 3:1-6 ◇ Humble/submissive ◇ Chaste conduct ◇ Outward deemphasized ◇ Inward: gentle, quiet spirit ◇ Inward incorrupt. vs. outward corrupt.

Our daughters need to be taught ✲ Mothers… ◇ 5 conversations [The Body Project] Resolved, not to talk about myself or feelings. To think before speaking. To work seriously. To be self restrained in conversation and actions. Not to let my thoughts wander. To be dignified. Interest myself more in others. - Journal entry 1882

Our daughters need to be taught ✲ Mothers… ◇ 5 conversations [The Body Project] ◇ Hope of successful conversation only if mothers believe it

Our daughters need to be taught ✲ Fathers: reinforce principles of true beauty ◇ Treat her with dignity ◇ Instill modesty ◇ Teach her to value herself: mind, body, soul ◇ Show respect for wife/women

Note to young men – look for true beauty ✲ The wise man warns against following lust ◇ Flatter, Prov. 2:16, 17 ◇ Lips of honey, Prov. 5:3, 4 ◇ Allure with eyelids, Prov. 6:24-26 ◇ Attire, Prov. 7:10, 21-23

Search for a queen in Persia put a young Jewish girl at center stage ✲ Moral ✲ Submissive ✲ Beautiful character