Employees – The true source of competitive advantage in future Inward collaboration Planned executionGrowth Ankit Chopra IIM Lucknow
Ideators Representatives of the brand Increasing number of interactions with customers Company Objective Customer centricity Stable growth in terms of uncertainty Innovation & expansion Decreasing risk amidst high competition Products/services reach consumers through employees Feedback through employees Customer Expectations High service levels in less time Decreasing switching costs Unknown demands & increasing wants Premium service ready Employees Employees bridge the gap between company & customer expectations
Inward collaboration with employees – Satisfying basic needs, Increasing responsibility/focus areas & mapping opportunities on per employee basis Inculcating risk taking culture Eg- Ideating rooms for brainstorming seesoins More responsible & responsive employees by targeting intrinsic motivation eg- jam rooms, music clubs Cater to needs eg-Insurance services for contract workers Mapping opportunities on per employee basis & setting the expectations Providing challenging assignments A 360degree employee satisfaction model for optimum efficiency
Providing competitive services Improvising on situation Contribute to increasing brand loyalty for the firm Motivated employees can help reduce attrition costs for the company Forming a strong network among peers & industry experts Update employees skills Motivation is better than compensation More responsibilities to the employee Opportunities & feedback mechanism Employees as source of revenue generation & reduction of costs Future expectation from employees & their mode of contribution to the firm will increase manifold To-do list for managers Reactive system Proactive system The new mantra to success Comprehend + Create+ Care = Conquer All stakeholders in an organization need a keen sense of vision to beat completion & employees will play a major role in the same