TEACH OUT OF THE BOX Or Kívül tágasabb
THE BOX 1. Traditional way of teaching 2. Classroom
WHY PBL? 1.My personal experiences + 2. No connection between classroom material and real-life situations 3. Students have different abilities
Types of MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE Linguistic intelligence („word smart) Logical-mathematical intelligence („number/reasoning smart) Spatial intelligence („picture smart”) Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence („body smart) Musical intelligence („music smart) Interpersonal intelligence („people smart) Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart) Naturalist intelligence („nature smart)
TRADITIONAL FOCUS ON: Linguistic intelligence Logical- mathematical intelligence
CHARACTERISTICS OF LINGUISTIC LEARNERS Likes to: read, write and tell stories Is good at: memorizing names, places, dates and trivia Learns best by: saying, hearing and seeing words
CHARACTERISTICS OF LOGICAL/MATHEMATICAL LEARNER Likes to: do experiments, figure things out, work with numbers, ask questions and explore patterns and relationships Is good at: maths, reasoning, logic and problem solving Learns best by: categorizing, classifying and working with abstract patterns and relationships
BUT To solve a problem you need several intelligences
CHARACTERISTICS OF SPATIAL LEARNER Likes to: draw, build, design and create things, daydream, look at pictures/slides, watch movies and play with machines Is good at: imagining things, sensing changes, mazes/puzzles and reading maps, charts Learns best by: visualizing, dreaming, using the mind’s eye and working with colours/pictures
CHARACTERISTICS OF BODILY/KINESTHETIC LEARNER Likes to: move around, touch and talk, and use body language Is good at: physical activities /sports, dance, acting) and crafts Learns best by: touching, moving, interacting with space and processing knowledge through bodily sensations
Characteristics of Musical Learner Likes to: sing, hum tunes, listen to music, play an instrument and respond to music Is good at: picking up sounds, remembering melodies, noticing pitches/rhythms and keeping time Learns best by: rhythm, melody and music
CHARACTERISTIC OF INTERPERSONAL LEARNER Likes to: have lots of friends, talk to people and join groups Is good at: understanding people, leading others, organizing, communicating, manipulating and mediating conflicts Learns best by: sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating and interviewing
CHARACTERISTICS OF INTRAPERSONAL LEARNER Likes to: work alone and pursue own interests Is good at: understanding self, focusing inward on feelings/dreams, following instincts, achieving own goals and being original Learns best by: working alone, individualized projects, self-paced instruction and having own space
CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURALISTIC LEARNER Likes to: be outside, with animals, geography and weather, interact with the surroundings, Is good at: categorizing, organizing a living area, planning a trip, preservation and conservation Learns best by: studying natural phenomenon, in a natural setting, learning about how things work
So, if you like….. Go out of the classroom with them and be a bit different!
PROJECT-BASED LEARNING What’s this? Involve students in real-life tasks and let them discover their own capabilities to get to a solution Why should we use this? An opportunity for students to work on problems in the real world An opportunity for teachers to develop certain abilities of students An opportunity to make the „bad excellent” An opportunity to have fun
ADVANTAGES Learner centred Motivates students Students are actively engaged in the task Encourages cooperative learning Requires the students to produce a product Challenging Gives control over students’ own learning Develops multiple intelligence Develops abilities: e.g. cooperation, responsibility, self-control, self-assesment, solidarity Interdisciplinary: integrates several subjects Chance of SUCCESS even for weaker learners!!
DISADVANTAGES Time consuming Engergy consuming Dominance of certain students Students might lose interest
TEACHER’S ROLE helper facilitator motivator coordinator advisor
FORMING GROUPS Friends –the best At random – risky Teacher chooses - risky
STEP BY STEP 1.Choose the topic 2.Make a plan 3.Schedue the time 4.Monitor the progress 5.Assess the outcome 6.Evaluate the experience
THE TOPIC Any – but real-world Poses a problem or situation Meets the needs of learners with various skills Has a solution Relevant for students
THE PLAN Involve students Utilise curriculum Integrate subjects Know what resources/materials are available
THE TIME SCHEDULE Give timeline Give milestones Be flexible but insist on agreements
MONITORING Keep an eye on progress Give responsibility Total involvement Provide guidance Watch group dynamics
ASSESSMENT OF END PRODUCT Feedback on performance Set standards Evaluate progress How to be more effective Students’ self-assessment Same marks/different marks?
EVALUATION OF PROJECT EXPERIENCE Important Share feelings and experiences Discuss what worked well Discuss what to change Share ideas that will lead to new questions and new projects
What do my students say?
FOUNDING YOUR OWN COMPANY Number: small groups of 3-4 students Goal: to design Name Logo Location Product Employees Markets Turnover Strong points Weak points Business partners Future plans History Your position
CORRESPONDANCE Aim: to practise business letter-writing how to write - enquiries - offers - orders - letters of complaint
THE SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPT AT IKEA Goal:to see how the concept works in real life Process: Pre-studies to task Compiling a questionnaire A visit to IKEA Pairs accomplish task Pairs prepare presentation Evaluation Feedback Important: collecting examples students’ opinion – likes or dislikes Suggestions for improvements
Shopping at IKEA Topic: The buying process Goal: to examine - need recognition - info sources - evaluation of information gathered - purchase decision - after- purchase situation
VISITING A SHOPPING CENTRE Aim: see the differences between various retailers, shop arrangements and services Process: Choose a shopping centre Brainstorm on what to examine Prepare a list of points Compile the questionnaire Choose shops and pairs Field study Analyse info Prepare presentation Give presentation Evaluate Feedback
The MCDONALD’S STORY Aim: to see how the biggest fast food shop works, what philosophy they have Examine: marketing philosophy Customer-orientation Target group Service Price Food choice and quality Shop interior Environmentalism Likes Dislikes Suggestions
Alkoss kéket EU studies Interpretation at students’ level Creativity ICT Competitiveness
Lili Campaign
COMENIUS SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS Two years Minimum 3 schools needed A large number of students and teachers can be involved Interdisciplinary Enhances language comprehension Improves communication Develops all skills
THANK YOU Kovács Zsuzsanna Berzeviczy Gergely Közgazdasági és Két Tanítási Nyelvű Külkereskedelmi Szakközépiskola