Developing a framework for cross sectoral partnership working University of Abertay Dundee and Dundee City Council
“Shared services for life long learners through the National Entitlement Card”
National Entitlement Card National voluntary card scheme –Establish a unified approach to access and delivery of Scottish public services Local authorities (32) YoungScot Smartcard just a vehicle –Shared services project
Where are we now? Scottish Funding Council project –Phase 1 (£93,000) –Phases 2 – 3 (tbd) 15 partners Extend NEC across HE/FE –Knowledge transfer networks Building on NEC infrastructure Developing partnerships across sectors
Purpose Extending and simplifying access to services –Joined up life-long learning Secondary education FE/HE Local authorities Young Scot Modernising service delivery –Shared services, collaborative working Doing more with less or the same
Common scenario? Student registration –Rigorous (lengthy?) process –Inward looking Access to non HE/FE services –Repeating registration process –Wasteful Lost opportunity costs? –Non take up of services
Where do we want to get to? Simplify access to public services –“Circle of trust” model Single point of registration for multiple services Services to follow learners as they progress –Joined up life long learning Develop new and exciting opportunities –Student NEC New ‘smarter’ services Working across traditional boundaries Young Scot
Where do we want to get to? Critical mass –NEC adoption throughout HE/FE –Reduce implementation barriers Minimise implementation and adoption barriers Reduce application development costs –Knowledge exchange networks
Where do we want to get to? Establish formal working relationships –Universities, colleges, local authorities, Young Scot Shared services, collaborative working –Doing more with less or the same Develop and embed models for shared service working –HE,FE, Local authorities
How did we get here? Proof of concept –2004/05 UAD/DCC Smartcard partnership DUNDEEdiscovery –University services –Local authority services (optional) UAD/Dundeediscovery card –Potential: simplify and extend access Library and leisure services Dudeediscovery card – NEC
How did we get here? NEC, DCC and Abertay –Extending the NEC across HE and FE August 07 Discussions at Universities Scotland –Efficient Government Group and Executive September 07 Bid to SFC –Project partners December 07 Phase 1 (Feb 08)
Project partners (phase 1) National Entitlement Card Scottish Further Education Unit Scottish Library and Information Council Society for Local Authority and Chief Executives YoungScot Angus College Angus Council Dumfries and Galloway College Dumfries and Galloway Council Dundee College Dundee City Council Glasgow City Council John Wheatley College University of Abertay Dundee University of the West of Scotland
Dundeediscovery and libraries Opportunity to extend access to libraries Single smartcard access to UAD/DCC library services –Lending Waving of external borrower fees –Breaking barriers Increase community involvement with University
Dundeediscovery and libraries User groups –S5/S6 pupils information literacy –Dundeediscovery card holders –UAD students and staff Limited marketing Can we do more then lending? –Shared services? –Collaborative working
Potential benefits Ease of access to resources –Do users really care who provides the service? –One card Lending, photocopying, printing Shared collection management Shared procurement Improved business processes Shared application development costs Knowledge exchange
Shared services, collaborative working? Research project –Identify mutually beneficial areas for partnership working and shared service delivery Capable of meeting MGI Ensuring that both library services can continue to support and enhance their respective organisations core objectives
Shared services, collaborative working? Research project –Identify challenges and barriers to developing shared services VAT, business rates? –Can libraries take a lead in “Modernising Government Initiative?” –What do we do? Service catalogues
025 Operation of libraries, archives, information centers.1 Administration.2 Collection development and acquisitions.3 Bibliographic analysis and control.4 Subject analysis and control.5 Services to users.52Reference and information services.523Cooperative information services.524Information search and retrieval.525Selective dissemination of information.56Orientation and bibliographic instruction for users
025 Operation of libraries, archives, information centers.1 Administration.2 Collection development and acquisitions.3 Bibliographic analysis and control.4 Subject analysis and control.5 Key services to users.52Information literacy.523Corporate information management.524Information search and retrieval.525Shared service delivery.56?
Project Phases Phase 1 Feb – Oct 2008 Migration towards issuance of NEC –Scoping project UAD/DCC –Application development Phase 2 Dec 08 – March 2010 Develop and extend the issuance model –NEC issuance with project partners (Core) application development Shared service models Knowledge transfer arrangements
Project Phases Phase 3 April 2010 – Dec 2010 Extending the NEC issuance model Application development –Knowledge transfer Recommendations to SFC and NEC –Further development of the model Funding –Phase 1 (£93,000) –Phases 2 and 3 (additional bid)
Partnership working? Risks? –Threats and opportunities! Can we enhance life-long learning, via shared services? Can libraries take a leading role in MGI? Should libraries aim to take a leading role in MGI? Do libraries/librarians make good partners?
Partnership working? Can we do more with the same (or less) –While maintaining our core services and values? Do we have an option?
Contact details Christopher Milne Information Manager, University of Abertay Dundee