Welcome to the University of Dundee Deborah Peel Juteopolis to Ideopolis Dundee: City of Learning?
Origins of the University The University of Dundee's origins go back over a hundred years to 1881 when it was originally called University College, Dundee (UCD). Mary Ann Baxter founded the College with the forward looking mission of "promoting the education of persons of both sexes and the study of science, literature and fine arts". University College, Dundee was, for many years, a part of the University of St Andrews, becoming an independent university in its own right in 1967.
4 Campuses Main campus Gardyne Kirkaldy Ninewells
The Univer-city Three mergers have doubled the university's size over the last ten years to today's complement of over 18,000 students and 3,000 staff. Knowledge transfer - 12 spin out companies, including four in patents, and licenses bringing in £1m a year in royalties. Dundee was made (12/02) “Scotland’s capital of life sciences” when the Scottish Executive announced Dundee as the base for the new Intermediate Technology Institute for Biosciences which will bring £150 million over the next ten years
Star architecture?
Clear Mental Maps
Town and Gown The University is a protagonist in local governance and the promotion of the local and regional economy. An acknowledgement that town and gown mutually benefit from partnership: – growth and commercialisation of varsity activities; – pursuit of clusters (biotechnology and medical), – attraction and retention of researchers, graduates and faculty; – physical development of the varsity fabric; – provision of street-level activities and partnership projects; – promotion of city image and inward investment; – interaction of commercial, leisure, entertainment, tourism, and – provision of cultural and community facilities.