Safety Training for School Employees
1.Our district recently purchased a subscription to SafeSchools, the leading safety training and compliance tracking system specifically designed for school employees. 2.We now have access to more than 125 school- specific online courses that address Environmental, Health, Human Resources, Information Technology, Nutrition Services, Social & Behavioral, Special Education and Transportation safety issues. 3.You will receive notice of your SafeSchools course assignments and you will then complete the courses online from any computer with an Internet connection. 4.Your completions are all tracked conveniently in one administrative system. 5.Using SafeSchools, our district will save valuable time and be able to manage compliance easily! What is SafeSchools? Why SafeSchools? 100% school-focused training 1,000,000+ course completions per year 125+ online courses 40 of the nation’s foremost school-safety authors 2,000 district customers nationwide, and growing
1.SafeSchools will help our district save an average of $36.00 per employee per year: 10% Reduction in Workers’ Comp Costs 10% Reduction in Liability Insurance Costs Half-Hour Reduction in Overtime Per Employee 2% Reduction in Legal Fees Offset Expense for Other Training Programs 2.SafeSchools gives us the flexibility to train as a group or individually – we can decide what method works best for us. 3.SafeSchools is easy to use and very user-friendly so all staff members can use the program successfully. 4.And, you’ll be able to train at school or at home with any Internet enabled computer, whenever it’s convenient for your schedule. Benefits of Online Training Why SafeSchools? 100% school-focused training 1,000,000+ course completions per year 125+ online courses 40 of the nation’s foremost school-safety authors 2,000 district customers nationwide, and growing
1.How to Access Our SafeSchools Site 2.Login Instructions 3.The SafeSchools Training Area 4.How to Complete a SafeSchools Course 5.How to Print a Certificate of Completion 6.Additional Courses Today’s Agenda “This program is indispensable. It’s like having a team of school safety experts on retainer to train our staff.” Tom Hamilton Training Coordinator Archuleta School District 50, CO
Access Our District’s SafeSchools Site 1.From any computer with an Internet connection, using your web browser, go to (insert your district’s SafeSchools’ site url here). 2.Enter your username below in the “username” field (located in the lower, left-hand corner of the screen). Then click the “Login” button. Presenter, please type your district’s SafeSchools’ URL here.
The Training Area 1.Once you’re logged on to our SafeSchools site, your customized Training Area is the first screen that you will see when entering the SafeSchools system. All of your mandatory and suggested course assignments will appear on this page.
How to Complete a Course Assignment 1.Select any course in the list by clicking on the name of the course. After accepting the course disclaimer, the Course’s Table of Contents will be displayed. 2.Click on the various sections in the Table of Contents to view the course in entirety. Each item listed in the Table of Contents is a required component of the course assignment. 3.SafeSchools courses have audio so please turn up your speakers if you wish to hear the narration. 4.Please complete all the training scenarios and the assessment to receive completion credit for the course in the system. You will then have the option to print out a Certificate of Completion once you complete the course.
How to Print a Certificate of Completion 1.Once you have completed all the training scenarios and the assessments in a course to receive completion credit in the system, you will then have the option to print out a Certificate of Completion. 2.Or you can go into the “My Training History” area, and click on the icon in the “Cert” column in the row for a course you’ve completed. If you don’t see all the certificates for the courses you’ve completed, adjust the date in the “From” date box so that it will pull a longer history for you.
“SafeSchools strengthens our district’s Risk Control strategy. By training all levels of staff, we have effectively reduced our overall cost of compliance in this area.” Robert K. Dwan Chief Financial Officer Millington Schools, MI Additional Courses 1.If you are interested in completing additional courses in addition to your required training, in the Training Area, click on the “Take More Courses” button. 2.Here you’ll see the full Course Library that our SafeSchools subscription provides. 3.Topics include Bullying, Disruptive Student Behavior, School Intruders, Copyright Infringement, Diversity Awareness, HIV/AIDS Awareness, Back Injury and Lifting and many more.
“SafeSchools strengthens our district’s Risk Control strategy. By training all levels of staff, we have effectively reduced our overall cost of compliance in this area.” Robert K. Dwan Chief Financial Officer Millington Schools, MI Thank YOU! 1.Thank you for helping to make our SafeSchools Implementation a success! 2.Using SafeSchools, our trainings will now be more interactive and engaging! 3.And, we’ll save valuable time and money too! “ In the first year I have been able to reduce my workers’ comp claims by 18%, saving the district thousands of dollars. The system pays for itself…and then some! ” Cathy Tyner Former Benefits Coordinator Darlington County, SC