TaKu Skan Skan Reentry Model To Reentry From Detention
TAKU Skan skan reentry model Taku Ska Ska Reentry Model ~ Conceptual Framework “ That which moves, that which lives and is connected” “Is the mystery within all living things” “Sacred energy, connects all living beings on the same spiritual plane; equally… no one greater than the other”
Self TJDC Family Community TAKU SKAn SKAn REENTRY MODEL In many American Indian tribes’ the dragonfly represents renewal, hope, transformation: Zuni ~ “the dragonfly spirit helps children restore a way of life that has been taken from then” Hopi~ “renewal, considered a messenger” Cherokee ~ “freedom and change” Dakota ~ “the dragonfly spirit is the essence of the winds of change; guide youth to the pathway of transformation”
TaKu Skan Skan Reentry Model SPIRITSELFFamily Community TJDC Reentry Program
Spirit When the youth enters the JDC : Do we tend to their SPIRIT ? Do we know their trauma ? Do we acknowledge their trauma? Do we provide a caring adult to spend time with them the first 24 hours? Do we ask what their Spirit needs are ?
Self When the youth is in the JDC: Are we providing supports to increase self identity, self esteem ? Are we providing a venue for positive self development? Are we providing a venue for leadership development? Are we providing a venue for creative expression? Are all educational supports in place? Are all behavioral health supports in place?
family When the youth are in the JDC: Are other tribal programs working with the family on any issues that could negatively impact the health and wellness of the “returning” youth to the family ? Does the family have resources to explore their spiritual and cultural needs to support family health and wellness? Has the family been invited to be part of the reentry planning ? Does the family have the support to visit the youth on a regular basis?
Community What strategic planning is the community doing to address the short and long term needs of youth in the areas of: Academic achievement Post secondary resources Employment Safe Houses Cultural & Spiritual engagement Healthy relationships & role models Leadership opportunities Recreational activities Sports programs Sobriety & Wellness
Tribal JDC Moving from detention to healing systems approach: What type of capacity building is needed to develop a holistic approach to reentry ? What cultural best practice programs are being employed? What partners do tribal JDCs need to support a holistic approach to healing? New funding streams? Youth Voice ?
Moving Forward TJDC Next Steps: Assessment: What are the strengths of your reentry program? Does your reentry program address the components in the Taku Skan Skan model? What are the service gaps in your reentry program? What resources do you have to fill the service gaps?
Taking Up The Challenge We are all leaders. Each one of us is setting an example for someone else, and each one of us has a responsibility to shape the future as we wish it could be for our youth. Taku Skan Skan Reentry Model recognizes our youth are spiritual beings first and foremost.. Taku Skan Skan Reentry Model recognizes the spirits of our youth have to be nurtured and healed in order for our youth to reclaim their future…. Taku Skan Skan Reentry Model recognizes that we can create systems and community change; one youth at a time