Spring of Hope Leadership Conclave Saturday, May 25, 2013 Principles of Leadership Facilitator Pastor Talbert W. Swan, II Spring of Hope Church Of God In Christ
“ Everything rises and falls on leadership...leadership makes the difference. ” John C. Maxwell
Leaders Possess Self-confidence Knowledge Decisiveness Ambition Creativity
Leadership is one word
“ The true measure of leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. ” John C. Maxwell “ Leadership is influence, the ability of one person to influence others to follow his or her lead. ” J. Oswald Sanders
Influence Influence is a law of leadership that is universal!
Influence Church leadership too is about influence. Church leaders do possess the aforementioned qualities, but there is a caveat!
Influence Motivation - the church leader or spiritual leader must always ask the question who is influencing me or what is my motivation…and be truthful about the answer.
Illegitimate Sources of Influence Position Power Personality
Influence Exodus 32: 1- 6 Numbers 13: 26-33
Influence Exodus 32: 1- 6 (Impatience) Numbers 13: (Fear)
Influence Numbers 16: 1-35
Influence Spiritual Leadership has to do with election from God…of which all of you have been called to this place, in your position in this moment.
Influence The leader ’ s influence determines the leader ’ s actions.
Influence: Devotional Life “ Spiritual leaders must take very seriously the weighty responsibility of learning to hear from God themselves before they can hope to equip others to do so. ” Henry and Richard Blackaby
Influence: Devotional Life Spiritual Leaders Pray!!!
Influence: Devotional Life Prayer is an essential leadership activity Prayer brings God ’ s wisdom Prayer brings access to God ’ s power Prayer relieves stress Prayer reveals God ’ s agenda
Influence: Holiness Holiness – set apart; ordained Moral excellence of those who order their lives according the word and will of God
Influence: Holiness “ The personality of the spiritual leader influences others because it is penetrated, saturated, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As the leader gives control of his/her life to the Spirit, the Spirit ’ s power flows through him/her to others. ” J. Oswald Sanders
Influence: Holiness “ The holiness of leaders ’ lives is a direct reflection of time they are spending with holy God. ” Henry and Richard Blackaby
Integrity Integrity – steadfast adherence to strict moral or ethical code; soundness; the quality or condition of being whole or undivided
Integrity Discipline Courage Stewardship Communication Humility
Service Ultimately, leadership is more about “ being ” than about “ doing ”.
Service Leadership is about being a servant and not merely doing what a servant does.
Service “ The King James Bible…uses leader only six times. Much more frequently, the role is called servant. ” J. Oswald Sanders
The Spirit of Servanthood Dependence Approval Modesty Empathy Optimism Anointing
Service “ Level 5 leaders embody a paradoxical mix of personal humility and professional will. They are ambitious first and foremost for the company, not themselves. ” Jim Collins
References Good to Great – Jim Collins Spiritual Leadership – Henry and Richard Blackaby Spiritual Leadership – J. Oswald Sanders The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John C. Maxwell